A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. ◦ Independent clause is a fancy word for a complete sentence. ◦ A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but cannot stand on it’s own. ◦ A dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction.
If the dependent clause comes first, you must add a comma. You do not need a comma if the dependent clause comes second. You do, if the dependent clause comes in the middle of the sentence, need to set off the clause with commas.
If the dependent clause comes first, you must add a comma. ◦ Though we look tough, we are actually quite afraid. ◦ Since we left home, we have had nothing but problems. ◦ While I like the taste of applesauce, I hate the consistency.
You do, if the dependent clause comes in the middle of the sentence, need to set off the clause with commas. ◦ Stan, though he did not really want to, went to the party. ◦ Luis was, if not the most disruptive student in class, certainly the loudest. ◦ My uncle, since he had nowhere else to go, came to our house for Thanksgiving.
You do not need a comma if the dependent clause comes after the independent clause. We went to graduation though we arrived late. The Red Sox won the World Series though I did not get to go to any games. You can buy me Wendy’s since you are already going there.
Write two examples of each: ◦ Complex sentence (dependent first) ◦ Complex sentence (dependent middle) ◦ Complex sentence (dependent last)
Tell a story in seven sentences. Your sentences must follow the pattern below. 1.Compound 2.Simple 3.Complex (dependent first) 4.Simple 5.Complex (dependent middle) 6.Compound 7.Complex (dependent last)