Stuart Donaldson Waste Strategy Manager 5 th March 2013
We all need to treat waste as a resource Everyone has a part to play Residents, Communities, Organisations Shared Responsibility LiverpoolCity Region Population445,2001,472,700 Households207,490665,854 Household Waste Arisings (tonnes) 183,807713,710
Recycling rates (%) have increased
Waste hierarchy
Reduce waste arisings by 8% by /12 progress – arisings fell by 31,253 to 655,928 tonnes Achieve 50% recycling by /12 progress – recycling increased to 36.9% Reduce landfill to 10% by 2020 and 2% /12 progress – landfill fell by 25,416 tonnes to 60% Continuous improvement in reducing carbon emissions and ecological footprint Complements the Waste Local Plan expected to be adopted in 2013 Resources Merseyside targets
District Council Action Plan for Liverpool and other Merseyside Authorities. Local blue prints to deliver JRWMS aims and objectives and working in partnership. Key actions include Changes to household waste collections in non- terraced properties. Consultation on implementation; New facilities e.g. Gillmoss MRF Improvements in quality of recyclates; Diversion from Landfill; Supporting businesses in resource efficiency. Delivery of Strategy
Waste Prevention Campaigns: Love Food Hate Waste - 28% of waste to landfill Merseyside Textiles Forum – 22,000 tonnes of usable textiles landfilled Junk mail – 4kg per house per year Home Composting Delivery
Education and Awareness – 5,500 visitors in 2012 Community Funding - £130,000 for 2013/14 Delivery
Full strategy available to download at: merseyside / Partnership annual report available to download at: reviews-successful-year-28-aug-2012 reviews-successful-year-28-aug-2012 Thank You Stuart Donaldson Tel: