Sentence Structure: Four Types of Sentences September 3, 2014
Basic Elements of Every Sentence SUBJECTPREDICATE WHO did it WHAT they did (verb phrase)
Basic Elements of a Sentence Mary plays tennis. SUBJECT PREDICATE
To Do: 1. Turn your paper horizontal 2. Make ONLY the parts of the tree map below…for now 4 Types of Sentences SimpleCompoundComplex Compound - Complex
2 nd Row of Map This is how we will organize our notes today: NOTE: I have found it easier to draw my boxes AFTER I have written my information. 4 Types of Sentences Simple Definition Example Compound Definition Example Complex Definition Example Compound - Complex Definition Example
Simple Sentence Definition Has 1 independent clause Can stand alone as a sentence Does not necessarily mean it is an “easy” or uncomplicated sentence Examples I love simple sentences. For Example: Being an English teacher with a penchant for syntactical complexity, I love simple sentences.
Compound Sentence Definition Has 2 or more independent clauses (clauses that can stand alone) Combined with a conjunction or semicolon Example I love my dog Roxy, but she can be very destructive at times.
Complex Sentence Definition Has 1 independent clause AND 1 or more dependent clauses Example Because I love Hershey’s Cookies N’ Cream bars, Kelci gave one to me to help me feel better.
Compound-Complex Sentence Definition 2 or more independent clauses AND 1 or more dependent clauses Example Because I am an English teacher, some people expect me to speak perfectly, and other people expect me to write perfectly.