DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Expenditure – 30 JUNE 2009
Current Payments Expenditure on CoE is indicated as 20% of the allocation, against time expiration of 25%, suggesting a 5% underspend. This is mainly due to vacancies within the department and an aggressive exercise is being undertaken to fill all vacant posts. Within Goods and Services, reflecting a 3% lag, is expenditure attributed to Repairs and Maintenance projects, PPP unitary fees, Leases and rentals for office buildings which are quarterly payments. Expenditure reflected under Financial transactions in assets and liabilities is attributed to bad-debt write-offs.
As at 30 June 2009, expenditure relating to Departmental agencies and accounts is reflected as 44% of the allocation. This situation is however due to the clauses as agreed upon in the drawdown agreements with recipients with for example, the CCMA requesting 50% of its allocation within the first quarter. The allocation for Foreign governments and international organisations is yet to be expensed as these are affiliation fees to ILO and ARLAC, and are only transferred in the 3 rd and 4 th quarter. Public corporation transfers are funds transferred to the Umsobomvu Youth fund with 50% of the allocation being expensed in the first quarter, as per the drawdown agreement. Expenditure for Non-profit institutions is expensed as per the drawdown agreement between the Department, Productivity SA and the SEF. The bulk of expenditure on Households is as a result of severance packages and leave gratuities. Transfers and Subsidies
Buildings and other fixed structures Rustenburg: The site earmarked for the office is on a heritage site. The South African Heritage Committee had to decide if the current constructions on the site could be demolished to clear the site for the new construction. This delayed the progress on this site. The Heritage site matter has been resolved and a call for bids is scheduled for November Bochum: Site clearance was completed. There was a constraint with the registration of the land transfer at the Deeds Office. That is now resolved and Architects were appointed to start with the design for construction. Mount Ayliff: The progress on this site is very slow. Funding was available to proceed in 2005 but the whole process was delayed and as a result the funding for the project was refunded to fiscis. According to the latest National Site Delivery Programme of DPW updated at the end of July 2009 the status reads that Plans for construction are in approval phase. Taung: Provisional site clearance has been issued. The Municipality confirmed in writing that the land will be donated. The consultant is busy with the survey and subdivision of the property. Garankuwa: The appointment of the consultant is underway. Bronkhorstspruit: The appointment of the consultant is underway. Temba: The Project Execution Plan (PEP) was approved and site clearance has commenced. Lusikisiki: A letter was sent to the municipality in order to identify and allocate strategic land for the proposed development. Consultant appointed. Jane Furse: Reasons for declining the cleared site have been furnished but the alternative or client preferred site has not been indicated. (Possible change to lease.) Mamelodi: Client has accepted the identified site. The Project Execution Plan (PEP) was approved. Consultant has started with the site clearance. Payments for Capital Assets
Machinery and equipment Office equipment relating to the Department’s improvement to filing and archiving facilities was delivered however, delays experienced with the installation of the filing units resulted in payment being processed at a later than expected date. (R1,0 mil reflected as at end September 2009) Allocations relating to Office Furniture in respect of new posts in Provincial Offices (R4,1 mil) as well as equipment relating to the upgrade of security systems at INDLELA (R5,0 mil) are scheduled for the third and fourth quarters. Payments for Capital Assets (continued)