Healthy Fontana Healthy Eating & Active Living City of Fontana Community Services Department September 29, 2005
Did You Know? “California is facing an obesity epidemic - over the last decade Californians have gained 360 million pounds and one in every three of our children is overweight. This dangerous trend is unacceptable…I challenge leaders in government, business, education, medicine and parenting to continue the work we have begun today to make California the nation's model for health, nutrition and fitness.” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger September 15, 2005 Action Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity
Overview Discussion topics: 1. 1.Healthy Fontana Vision 2. 2.Healthy Fontana Goal 3. 3.Implementation Plan 4. 4.Marketing Plan 5. 5.Outcomes 6. 6.What’s Next? 7. 7.Future Is? 8. 8.Conclusion
VISION. The philosophy of Healthy Fontana will be to promote a healthier, active lifestyle and enjoyment of a livable community which is essential for an enriched quality of life in Fontana.
GOAL To promote and implement programs that educate the Fontana community about the benefits of being healthy, active and livable communities through three major components: 1. 1.Nutrition 2. 2.Active Living 3. 3.Smart Growth Development.
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. NUTRITION a. a.Conduct quarterly hands-on cooking workshops b. b.Education on Smart food choices c. c.Healthy lifestyle skits d. d.Public educational presentations
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2. ACTIVE LIVING a. a.Walking Clubs program b. b.Utilization of Existing Public and Private Resources Citywide c. c.Employee Wellness program d. d.Community Garden program e. e.Healthy Fontana Cookbook f. f.Health-a-thon
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 3. SMART GROWTH “ Smart growth is development that serves the economy, the community, and the environment.” United States Environmental Protection Agency Smart Growth Network, April Economic development and jobs 2. 2.Strong neighborhoods 3. 3.Healthy communities.
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN What is Smart Growth for the City of Fontana? How is Smart Growth achieved in the City of Fontana? SMART GROWTH (continued) Smart Growth Principles promotion and education among planners, developers and the community by establishing an advisory board ( see handouts ):
MARKETING Promotion and Education Tools: 1. website 2. 2.H.E.A.LTHwise newsletter (ages ) 3. 3.H.E.A.L.THwise KIDZ newsletter (ages 0-12) 4. 4.Brochure 5. 5.Posters 6. 6.Video 7. 7.Presentations 8. 8.Media resources.
OUTCOMES Community Benefits: 1. 1.Decrease of Obesity Rate 2. 2.Increased Education on Smart Food Choices 3. 3.Increased Daily Physical Activities 4. 4.Decrease Health Risks 5. 5.Increase Usage of Smart Growth Principles 6. 6.Increased Opportunities of Economic Development and Jobs, Strong Neighborhoods and Healthy Communities
NEXT STEPS Program planning continues : 1. 1.September through present : integration of stakeholder partnerships 2. 2.September through present : Explore funding from multiple sources 3. 3.January 2006 : present Implementation Plan to City Council 4. 4.January 2006 through 2007 : implement program components.
FUTURE The Healthy Fontana program is an outstanding means to enhance and complement the City of Fontana’s Quality of Life efforts by forming partnerships to maximize the health and well being of Fontana residents H.E.A.L.THY Fontana Stakeholders 2. 2.Quality of Life Commission 3. 3.Smart Growth Advisory Board.
Conclusion Healthy Fontana agrees with the State leaders…." It is painfully clear, our social and physical environments have a direct impact on whether we get to exercise and eat right... We need to move beyond what has been so far an exclusive reliance on individual behavior and responsibility - it hasn't worked. We need to change our environment from one that allows poor nutrition and minimal physical activity to one that promotes healthy eating and physical activity." Dr. Robert Ross., President and Chief Executive Officer of The California Endowment, September 15, 2005