Survey conducted: May 14-19, 2015 220-4149. 1 Key Findings Two-thirds of respondents perceive that the City is headed in the right direction. Six out.


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Presentation transcript:

Survey conducted: May 14-19,

1 Key Findings Two-thirds of respondents perceive that the City is headed in the right direction. Six out of ten believe that the City has a great or some need for additional funds to provide the level of services residents need and want. Initial support for a General Purpose City sales tax measure – requiring 50%+1 to pass – is at 61% for a ½-cent measure and at 55% for a 1-cent measure. Among the many valued city services – water; protecting beaches, local waterways public from pollution (stormwater); safety; and accountability- related provisions of the proposed ballot measure are considered to be extremely or very important by the largest percentage of voters.

2 Key Findings Significantly larger percentages of voters rate “maintaining essential city services” as extremely or very important (75%) compared to improving essential city services (59%); however, that does not mean voters do not support new activities such as establishing additional water conservation programs (74%) and improving services for seniors, the disabled and veterans (74%). Voters who perceive that need for more city funds are more likely to support the measure - not surprisingly education increases support for the measure.

3 Key Findings Key reasons why at least seven out ten voters are more inclined to vote yes on the measure include:  Ensuring that all existing City fire stations remain open so that firefighters can quickly respond to emergencies and save lives  Maintaining City funded-after school and summer recreation programs so that that local children and youth have access to safe and supervised programs  The fact that the City’s aging infrastructure is in need of repair and upgrade

4 Methodology Conducted a Voter Survey by telephone (landlines and cell phones) between May 14th – May 19th, 2015 Interviews with a random sample of 602 City of Ventura registered voters likely to vote in the 2016 General Election Survey was available in English and Spanish Margin of error for the full sample is +/- 4.0% and for half the sample it is +/- 5.7% Some percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding Where applicable, tracked question are from the City of Ventura Resident Survey conducted November 2014 of a random sample of 400 registered voters, with a margin of error at +/- 4.9%

5 Similar to 2014 findings, two-thirds of likely November 2016 voters perceive the City to be headed in the right direction; three-quarters say their neighborhood is headed in the right direction. Q1. Would you say that things in ____________ are generally headed in the right direction or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track? (Note: November 2014 results include only the subsample of who are likely to vote in November 2016) City of Ventura Your Local Neighborhood

6 Great/ Some Need 54% Up from 2014, a total of six in ten perceive the City has at least some need for additional funds for city services; only 22% however recognize a “great” need. Q2. In your personal opinion, do you think there is a great need, some need, a little need, or no real need for additional funds to provide the level of city services that City of Ventura residents need and want? (Note: November 2014 results include only the subsample of who are likely to vote in November 2016) Little/No Real Need 35% Great/ Some Need 60% Little/No Real Need 30%

7 Q4 & Q5. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose it? Ballot Title and Summary City of Ventura Essential Services Protection Measure. To address state takeaways of local funds and maintain and improve essential city services such as fire, police, paramedic, emergency response and gang and drug prevention programs; protect local drinking water supplies, and local beaches, rivers and coastal waters from pollution; expand programs to help address homelessness, and attract business and create local jobs; repair potholes; maintain and improve youth and senior programs and other City services, shall the City of Ventura increase the sales tax by (one-cent/one-half cent), requiring independent audits, and all funds used locally?

8 Total Yes 55% On an initial ballot ask, the one-cent and one-half cent measures both received support from a majority of voters (55% and 61%, respectively); in both cases however, only about one-third said they would “definitely” vote yes. Q4 & Q5. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose it? Total No 39% Initial One-cent Initial One-half Cent Measure 48% Total Yes 61% Total No 31% 55%

9 Ext./ Very Impt. 88% 87% 85% 79% 76% 75% 74% Protecting local drinking water supplies, waterways and beaches; keeping existing City fire stations open; and ensuring funds are used locally top the list of important features and provisions to be included in a measure. Q9. The proposed ballot measure has not been written yet. However, I am now going to read you a list of features and provisions that may be included in the measure. Regardless of how you voted earlier, after each one you hear, please tell me how important that feature or provision is to you personally: Is it extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important? ^Not part of Split Sample (Ranked by Extremely/Very Important) ^ Protecting local drinking water supplies Requiring all funds used locally Keeping all existing City fire stations open ^ Protecting local beaches, rivers and coastal waters from pollution Requiring independent audits ^ Maintaining and improving fire, police, and paramedic emergency response Maintaining essential city services Establishing additional water conservation programs

10 Ext./ Very Impt. 74% 73% 72% 70% 69% 68% 67% 66% Continued Q9. The proposed ballot measure has not been written yet. However, I am now going to read you a list of features and provisions that may be included in the measure. Regardless of how you voted earlier, after each one you hear, please tell me how important that feature or provision is to you personally: Is it extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important? ^Not part of Split Sample Improving services for seniors, the disabled and veterans Ensuring public areas are safe and clean Repairing potholes and repaving streets Earthquake retrofitting bridges ^ Expanding programs to attract business and create local jobs Repairing unsafe playground equipment at neighborhood parks ^ Protecting the City’s open space and natural areas Maintaining and improving gang prevention programs ^ Expanding programs to help address homelessness

11 72% Top reasons to be more inclined to vote yes on the measure include preserving firefighters’ ability to respond to emergencies; maintaining programs for youth; aging infrastructure and the importance of accountability. Q10. I am going to read you some statements made by those who support this proposed ballot measure. Please tell me if it makes you more inclined to vote yes in favor of the measure. ^Not part of Split Sample (Ranked by Total More Inclined to Vote Yes on the Measure) (RESPONSE TIMES TO SAVE LIVES) Almost 85% of all 911 calls to the City of Ventura Fire Department require emergency medical attention. Medical experts agree that after five minutes the brain starts to deteriorate following a serious trauma, like a heart attack. This measure will ensure that all existing City fire stations remain open so that firefighters can quickly respond to emergencies and save lives. (YOUTH) Passing this measure will maintain City-funded after-school and summer recreational programs, youth job training programs, as well as gang prevention programs for at-risk youth. These programs provide more than 15,000 kids in our community with safe and supervised activities that keep these children and youth off the streets, away from gangs and out of trouble. (INFRASTRUCTURE) The City of Ventura is almost 150 years old and has aging infrastructure which needs to be repaired and upgraded. This measure will help improve the condition of our streets and sidewalks, earthquake retrofit local bridges, repair and upgrade deteriorating sewer and storm drains, and ensure playground equipment is safe for our youth. 70%

12 69% Continued Q10. I am going to read you some statements made by those who support this proposed ballot measure. Please tell me if it makes you more inclined to vote yes in favor of the measure. ^Not part of Split Sample (KEEPING GANGS OUT) Passing this measure will allow the City police department to dedicate officers and improve resources to help keep gang members and drug dealers from nearby communities out of our city. With 8 gangs and about 550 gang members in the City of Ventura alone, we cannot afford to vote no on this measure. ^ (ACCOUNTABILITY) This measure contains tough accountability by continuing to require annual independent financial audits, public review of expenditures and ensures that all funds remain in the City of Ventura and cannot be taken by Sacramento. These fiscal safeguards will ensure funds continue to be used efficiently, effectively and as promised. (HOMELESSNESS) Almost one-quarter of the County’s homeless population is located in the City of Ventura. We need to pass this measure so that our community has the resources to help individuals, veterans and families transition away from or stay off the street, as well as to ensure our parks and other public areas are safe and secure for everyone. 68%

13 Total Yes 55% Educational statements lead to a 7% overall gain in support for the one-cent measure and an 8% overall gain in support for a one-half cent measure. Q4 & Q11, Q5 & Q12. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose it? Total No 39% 48% Total Yes 62% Total No 33% 55% Total Yes 61% Total No 31% 55% Total Yes 69% Total No 26% 61% Initial VoteVote After Education One-cent Measure One-half Cent Measure Initial VoteVote After Education

For more information, contact: Wilshire Blvd, Suite 350 Los Angeles, CA Phone (310) Fax (310) Richard Bernard