WHY DO ASSESSMENTS? “The long term development of a community rests on its ability to uncover and build on the strengths and assets of its people, institutions, and informational organizations.” (Beaulieu 2002) Look for strengths, and identify all the positive qualities of your community Identify gaps Help communities realize there may be multiple ways to achieve goals
CONNECTING COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS Quick start assessments Community readiness Capability o Individual o Organizational Infrastructure
COMMUNITY READINESS ASSESSMENT Level of cooperation and collaboration Potential leadership team members Potential partner organizations Existing digital development projects
LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBER WORKSHEET Leaders (formal and non-formal) Technology experts
DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS Organization capability to use digital tools Individual capability to use digital tools Digital infrastructure o Internet o Organizational
TYPES OF ASSESSMENTS What’s there? o First step is to agree on what “connected community” means Where are the gaps? o Needs assessment o Community assets (mapping) What’s the focus? o Technology o Formal organizations o Individuals
MORE CHOICES Online Formal Informal Non-Profit Business Government Access to technology Capacity How is it being used? o Health issues o Economic conditions o School success o Family issues o Early childhood development Secondary data Primary data Telephone or mail survey Focus groups Face-to-face interviews Public forum Business and Industry Healthcare Libraries Higher Education Community-Based Organizations Tourism, Recreation and Parks Agriculture
TWO PURPOSES What’s available? Network, appliances How it’s being used? In segments and across the community o Do we need to hire a consultant? o What do we know? o What do we still need to know? o How will we collect additional information? o Who and what will we ask? o Who will collect the data? o How will we compile & analyze the data? o How will we report our findings?
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Partnership’s vision statement should guide the assessment Assessment should focus on specific topics Assessment is an ongoing process Views the community from multiple perspectives Takes an in-depth look at diversity within a community Coordinator can facilitate information gathering by many participants
SUCCESSFUL COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT Understand the current situation first Define a vision of the future Allow questions to drive the assessment process Address issues that stakeholders believe are important Communicate information back to stakeholders
NOW WHAT? Completing the assessment is only the beginning An assessment is the means to achieve your vision