World on Fire – WWII begins
Key Terms / Main Ideas Attempts to negotiate with Hitler fail. Germany invades Poland which result in France and England declaring war on Germany. Anschluss Appeasement – Neville Chamberlain Blitzkrieg Maginot Line Dunkirk Winston Churchill Battle of Britain RAF
1937 Hitler presses for unification of German-speaking people Hitler demands government posts for Nazis in Austria or he’ll invade Invades anyway Announces Anschluss Austria
Czechoslovakia is next… Hitler wants Sudetenland Claims many German-speakers Czechs resist France & GB pledge support Neville Chamberlain British Prime Minister Munich Conference 1938 France & GB agree to Hitler’s demands Appeasement Hitler takes more – Czechoslovakia 1939
Germany after Appeasement
How about a Polish…… Hitler wants Polish seaport Britain tells him no Poland resists Non-Aggression Pact with Russia Aug 1939 Why? BLITZKRIEG !!!! Poland defeated in 5 weeks Takes Denmark & Norway by Apr 1940 Hitler invades through Belgium French and Brits trapped - Dunkirk
The Fall of France Miracle at Dunkirk 4 June 338,000 men 850 boats –civilian vols Lost most equipment 22 June - France surrenders Winston Churchill Defiant We shall defend….
The Fall of France
Never …. Was so much owed by so many to so few Hitler wants to invade England Must destroy Brit’s Air Force Luftwaffe attacks – June 1940 Battle of Britain Aug 23 London bombed England bombs Berlin Hitler retaliates Brits stay strong Subways as bomb shelters Royal Air Force RADAR Oct 12 – Hitler calls off invasion