THE MAGINOT LINE By: Abby, Tim, Sam, Eric, and Trevor
WHAT WAS THE MAGINOT LINE? The Maginot Line was a series of defensive barriers, tanks, machine gun posts, and other defenses along France’s border with Germany It was named after the French Minister of War, André Maginot, who eventually was the reason for the idea’s implementation.
WHEN DID THE MAGINOT LINE COME INTO EFFECT? The Maginot Line was built between the years 1930 and It was built by the French in order to protect them from the Germans. They were in fear of a German invasion after World War 1. The Maginot Line was viewed effective from a purely military point of view when it was first coming into existence.
WHY WAS THE MAGINOT LINE CREATED? “The creation of the Maginot Line was a plan to replace the disappearing natural defensive barrier of the Rhine with manmade substitute: continuous stationary fortification covering the entire length of the Franco-German frontier”- Keylor
MAGINOT LINE IN PRACTICE It was affective in practice because Germany never successfully broke through the line. However, there were two gaps. The fatal flaw was decision to end construction along the Franco-Belgian border. This allowed Germany to attack through Belgium.
IMPACT OF LINE “Reduce likelihood of effective military assistance from France compelled other countries to reassess their strategy for protecting themselves from German invasion.” –Keylor