A tutorial on MS Project James Burns
Outline Setting up MS Project Defining Tasks (activity definition) Activity Subordination (WBS) Activity Sequencing (network chart) Determining durations Determining costs
Setting up MS Project Your first task should be a PROJECT meta-task Everything (every other task) should be subordinate to it
Must start with A list or tasks Or A Work Breakdown Structure
Defining Tasks This process is called Activity Definition Can do it by developing the WBS down to work packages Can do it by use of template Can do it by use of a list Or just off the top of your head
Bring up MS Project Start in the Gantt View Set start date in Project Information box Can do forward or backward scheduling Enter task detail in the entry table to the left Subordinate tasks appropriately Link Tasks as appropriate
Working from the WBS WBS’s utilize a standardized numbering scheme WBS Subordination is indicated to MS Project through indentation Use the indentation arrow
Click on Project and then Project Information Brings up this window
Can download add-ons from CriticalTools.Com To delineate (draw) the WBS To do PERT (Neither of which are available within MS Project)
Setting hard and fast task dates Normally, this is not a good idea Do this on the entry table
Adding resources Resource sheet
Determining cost and duration Must enter the hourly rates of the PROJECT PLAYERS into the RESOURCE SHEET