Psychotherapies All answers come from the APA Practice Guidelines unless otherwise indicated. As of 10Sep08
Psychodynamic psychotherapy Q. Definition of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
Psychodynamic psychotherapy Ans. Psychotherapy “that involves careful attention to the therapist-pt interaction with, when indicated, thoughtfully times interpretations of transference and resistance embedded in a sophisticated appreciation of the therapist’s contribution to the two-person field.” Ref: Borderline Guideline
Cognitive behavior therapy Q. Definition of CBT?
CBT Ans. CBT “assumes that maladaptive and distorted beliefs and cognitive processes underlie symptoms and dysfunctional affect or behavior and that these beliefs are behaviorally reinforced.” Ref: Borderline Guideline.
Behavior psychotherapy Q. Definition of behavior psychotherapy?
Behavior psychotherapy Ans. Behavior psychotherapy “is based on theoretical models drawn from behavior theory and social learning theory.” Ref: MDD Guideline.
Interpersonal psychotherapy Q. Definition of interpersonal psychotherapy?
Interpersonal psychotherapy Ans. Interpersonal psychotherapy “focuses on losses, role disputes and transitions, social isolation, deficits in social skills, and other interpersonal factors that may impact the development of depression.” [The reason for “depression” is that the Klerman and Weissman developed, early 1980s, this disorder specifically for depression.] Ref: MDD Practice Guideline
Interpersonal Psychotherapy Indications Q. The APA Practice Guidelines specifically mentions that interpersonal psychotherapy is indicated for which Disorders?
Interpersonal psychotherapy indications Ans. 1.MDD 2.Bipolar depression 3.Dysthymia 4.HIV+-related depression [used in eating disorders and may be the correct answer on an exam.] Ref: Guidelines on MDD, Bipolar, and HIV+ Disorders