Lok Satta Empowering Local Governments st July 2004, Pune, LOK SATTA People Power 401 Nirmal Towers, Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – Tel: / ; Fax: ; url:
Lok Satta True Swaraj The real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when abused - Gandhiji
Principles of Devolution 73 rd and 74 th Constitutional Amendments 11 th Schedule – 29 subjects 12 th Schedule – 18 subjects Decentralization VotePublic good TaxesServices AuthorityAccountability
Principles of Devolution The guiding principle of devolution shall be that whatever could be handled at the local level practically shall be devolved to that tier of government – Principle of Subsidiarity Only parts of those functions which cannot be handled by the local government shall vest with the state For all the functions that are transferred to the local government, the funds and functionaries shall also be transferred completely.
Status of Decentralization in AP 17 subjects are “transferred” to the LGs Even those subjects transferred – the government is insincere in its intentions For example – education: only planning, implementation and review of adult and non-formal education are transferred to the LSGs – incomplete – doesn’t cover primary and secondary education Fiscal devolution – minimal No transfer over control of functionaries Over 80 % of funds devolved to LSGs go towards wage bills
Functional Devolution All the functions, funds and functionaries pertaining to the subjects enumerated in the Eleventh and Twelfth Schedules should be transferred to local governments with immediate effect. Functional delineation among the three tiers of local governments should mark any such devolution. What can be handled at the local level should be done at that level and only those that cannot be done locally should be passed on to a higher level i.e., from the Gram Panchayat to the Mandal Parishad and Zilla Parishad
Lok Satta Finances The state budget under each head should be divided into: 1. State wide, 2. District-wise Allocating 50 % of the total state government plan budget to the local governments Savings under non-recurring (capital) items shall not be diverted by local governments for recurring expenditure. Savings on recurring expenditure can and should be diverted to non-recurring expenditure. This encourages fiscal prudence and savings. Contd..
Lok Satta Finances The Zilla Parishad should have the powers for re- appropriating amounts from one item to another within the budgetary allocations for the district, subject to the conditions that savings under non- recurring or capital items shall not be diverted by local governments for recurring expenditure Make the recommendations of the SFC binding on the state government and making amendments to Article 243-I to introduce the words “or at such earlier times as the governor considers necessary.” Contd..
Lok Satta Functionaries Local governments shall be the appointing authority – in respect of the officials transferred to the control of local governments. In respect of senior functionaries – on deputation to local governments for a fixed tenure. Powers of Head of the department should be transferred to the Zilla Parishads All new staff appointing authority will be the local governments Contd..
Lok Satta Functionaries All new staff appointing authority will be the local governments All wages and service conditions of such transferable employees will be protected by the state government. A Staff Review Commission can be constituted to go into the details of transferring functionaries to the local governments. Statutory District Staff Committees to attend to the administrative appeals and grievances of various functionaries working with local government can also be constituted. Contd..
Lok Satta District Government There is no single, undivided government representing all sections at the district level. There is a need to provide for a single elected district council that will function as a true government for the entire district
Lok Satta Structure Empower the state legislatures to decide the structure of local governments, subject to the overall constitutional provisions. Panchayat restructuring: The size of a Panchayat in Andhra Pradesh varies from 500 to As a consequence some of the Gram Panchayats are not financially viable. Hence constituted with a population of 3,0000 – 4,0000 in the plain areas and – in the tribal areas.
Lok Satta Reservation of Seats in Local Governments: The seats in local governments should be reserved for two-terms Making the Legislative Council, a council of local governments
Lok Satta Accountability Citizens Charters Right to Information Ombudsman – for each district with powers to initiate disciplinary proceedings on any employee including elected head of local governments District Audit Units
Lok Satta Lok Satta’s Effort For Empowerment of LSGs Formation of Federation For Empowerment of Local Governments (FELG) One Crore-Signature Campaign Cabinet Committee invites Lok Satta Dialogue with Union Government Training for Elected Representatives of LSGs
Lok Satta “The punishment suffered by the wise who refuse to take part in the government, is to suffer under the government of bad men.” Plato