Corporate Learning Course1 Welcome
Corporate Learning Course2 Objectives Course Objectives (ref: CAPR 50-17) Identify the function of the three mission elements of the wing Explain how the wing operates to carry out the Aerospace Education mission Explain how the wing operates to carry out the Cadet Programs mission
Corporate Learning Course3 Objectives Explain how the wing operates to carry out the Emergency Services mission Explain how the mission support functions support the three main mission elements of the wing Analyze situation where core values impact the operation of the wing Corporate Leaning Course
Corporate Learning Course4 You will not only gain an understanding of the three main mission elements and mission support functions of the wing. You will also gain an appreciation of how the missions, and their associated functions, support each other. Course Overview
Corporate Learning Course5 Course Structure Command Overview Four segments –Aerospace Education –Emergency Services/Operations –Cadet Programs –Mission Support Capstone Exercise Course Overview
Corporate Learning Course6 Command Welcome
Corporate Learning Course7 Main Points The difference between the wing commander’s roles as the state’s commander (operational control) and as a corporate officer (policy maker) The wing staff’s responsibility to the wing commander Command
Corporate Learning Course8 Main Points Identify the wing/CC’s expectations about the Corporate Learning Course Discuss how information in the CLC can be used to improve the operation of the students’ units and the wing (Optional) Air Force Core Values Command
Corporate Learning Course9 Wing Commander’s Roles Wing/CC as the state’s commander (operational control) –Commander over all subordinate units in the state and commander of the wing staff –Responsible for the wing’s accomplishment of CAP’s missions –Primary CAP representative to the state government Command
Corporate Learning Course10 Wing Commander’s Roles Wing/CC as the wing’s representative to the National Board (policy maker) –Voting member of the National Board - charged with establishing national CAP policy Command
Corporate Learning Course11 Wing Staff’s responsibility to the Wg/CC They are the Wg/CC’s experts in vital areas They administer the business of running the wing headquarters as a CAP unit They coordinate the functional areas of the wing with their counterparts in the subordinate units Command
Corporate Learning Course12 CLC Expectations What you should take away from the CLC How you should apply what you have learned in the CLC Command
Corporate Learning Course13 Air Force and CAP Core Values Defined When they should be applied How Core Values impact the wing Command
Corporate Learning Course14 Command Questions?