Important Upcoming Dates Oct. 5 th Interims sent home Oct.10 th Columbus Day- No School Oct. 12 & 13 Ledo Spirit Night Oct. 22 nd Fall Cleanup Day Oct. 25 th Great Country Farms Pumpkin Carving Day Oct. 28 th Fall Party 12:30-1:30 Nov. 4 th Grading Period Ends 2 nd Grade News October2011 September Recap The school year is off to a great start in our second grade classroom! We have met new friends, learned interesting facts about each other from our back-to-school projects as well as worked together to write our classroom rules. In Social Studies we learned about rural, suburban and urban communities. We have just started our next Social Studies unit on Maps and Globes. We are still working on routines and practicing RESPECT for SELF, OTHERS and PROPERTY. October Curriculum Highlights SOCIAL STUDIES develop map skills by locating the equator, seven continents and the five oceans on maps and globes. Develop map skills by locating selected rivers, mountain ranges, and lakes in the United States SOL 2.5. Demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and compass rose SOL 2.6. MATH Students will begin to count forward by 2s, 5d, and 10s to 100 SOL 2.4a. Count backwards by 10s from 100 SOL 2.4b. Recognize even and odd numbers SOL 2,4c. Recall addition facts with sums to 20 or less- and their related subtraction fact SOL 2.5. Read, write and identify the place value of each digit in a two digit numeral, using numeration models SOL 2.1a. Teacher’s Corner Thank you for your support at home! Please make sure that your child reads each night and practices math facts each week. Reminders: Please leave personal items and toys at home (ex: Pokemon cards, Nintendo DS, cell phones). This ensures that these items will not get lost, damaged or stolen. Please remember to return library books each week. Every class is working towards having 100% of students return their books Homework Please read and sign your child’s homework agenda each night to confirm that you are aware of the homework assignments. All homework assignments are to be done in pencil unless otherwise stated. Your child should write his or her own name on their homework as they are expected to do in class. Homework is to be turned in on time, which is the following school day unless otherwise stated. Spirit Day: Don’t forget that every Friday is SPIRIT DAY! Wear your Tolbert Spirit shirt, or sweatshirt. You can always wear our school colors: blue and white!!
Insert Heading Insert text here. Snack and Water Bottles Students are allowed to bring water bottles to school to keep on their desk. However, if the water bottles become a distraction, students will lose their water bottle privilege. Please send in a healthy, non-messy snack for your child to eat each day. Some students are having a hard time adjusting to our later lunchtime. If you would like to donate a class snack that is peanut- free (individually packaged if possible) it would be greatly appreciated. Library Books Our class has library every Thursday. Insert Heading Insert text here. Mystery Readers! Thank you to the following Mystery Readers for reading to our class in September: Mrs. Layman Mrs. Newcomer We look forward to having parents come in as Mystery Readers starting this month!