MAP MATH LAB Bullitt Central High School Christy Coulter, Principal “USING DATA at the HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL”
SORT THE DATA!! All first period math students listed by teacher in excel. All first period math students listed by teacher in excel. Assigned a RIT score and level. Assigned a RIT score and level. Sorted to determine the number of sections per level. Sorted to determine the number of sections per level. Assigned a teacher and room number. Assigned a teacher and room number. Ticket created and distributed to first period teacher. Ticket created and distributed to first period teacher.
Level Math Lab Level System
LEVELFirstTeacherSecondTeacherThirdTeacher 128 Marshall (18) 40 Marshall (18) Johnson (58) 27 Marshall (18) 227 Sheehan (19) 57 Sheehan 19, Foster 15, Williams Sheehan, Reynolds 56, Reker Douglas Clark Hallinan & Lee , 8,9 5 JP. Lee - Lab 2 JP Lee - Lab 5 JP Lee, Lab MATH LAB TEACHING SCHEDULE
Rigor, Relevance & Relationship Does MAP RIT scores and Descartes skill list match with skill level? Does MAP RIT scores and Descartes skill list match with skill level? Will students respond without the relationship and with cross grade grouping? Will students respond without the relationship and with cross grade grouping? Can we actually build skills with one day a week lab time? Can we actually build skills with one day a week lab time?
RELEVANCE & RIGOR Students reported the learning target for the day was a skill necessary for growth at all levels. Students reported the learning target for the day was a skill necessary for growth at all levels. Rigor and relevance seemed so high that the relationship piece was manageable. Rigor and relevance seemed so high that the relationship piece was manageable. Students were at ease with ability groups regardless of grade. Students were at ease with ability groups regardless of grade.
Map Level = Grade Level Total Students 9-11 Level 1 = 12 th grade 85 Level 2 = 11 th grade 171 Level 3 = 9 th - 10 th grade 245 Level 4 = 6 th -8 th grade Level 5 = 4 th – 5 th grade 138 Level 6 = 3 rd grade 35 Level 7 = 2 nd grade 20 Level 8 = 1 st grade 7 Level 9 / 10 = K 2 Total973 CONVERSION CHART – RIT RANGE / GRADE LEVEL
Mid-Year Map Analysis “Going the right direction”
11 th Grade ECE Students and MAP Growth Accurate Data – Names Changed to protect the innocent.
No.GradeStudent$$ 10 th Cats Reading Baseline Math RIT Lab Level Winter RIT Lab Level Growth 111SallyRed.AH BillyFreeAH ChristyFreeP TommyNoAL JoeyNoAH WillieFreeP AndyFreeAM MikaylaNo X CoultenRed.NM WayneRed.NM KeithRed.NL GregNoNL MarkFreeP JennyNoAM BettyFreeAM SarahRedNM CarlyRed.AL LesNoX NikoleFreeNL
Level Baseline Aug. WinterJan.Change Level 1 & Level Level Level Level Level 7, 8, Total scoring 1,2, Total scoring 4 or lower P or D % 51.9%55.7%+3.8%
Dedicated Teachers Gave up planning to implement labs one day a week. Gave up planning to implement labs one day a week. Planned afterschool to create targeting lessons to match map RIT level. Planned afterschool to create targeting lessons to match map RIT level. Gave up class time to allow for lab time. Gave up class time to allow for lab time.
180 Students each period 5 times a day 14 Dedicated teachers Implementing one targeted lesson
Lessons Learned Tried different lab schedules. M – 1 st, T – 2 nd, W – 3 rd, TH – 4 th, FR – 5 th Tried different lab schedules. M – 1 st, T – 2 nd, W – 3 rd, TH – 4 th, FR – 5 th Can’t Review – must be new learning with a clear and focused learning target (relevance & rigor) Can’t Review – must be new learning with a clear and focused learning target (relevance & rigor) Be flexible Be flexible
Keys to success! Communicate and explain the test, levels, labs and goals. Communicate and explain the test, levels, labs and goals. Activities should be targeted and focused. Activities should be targeted and focused. Administration visible and engaged. Administration visible and engaged. Encourage accurate testing. Encourage accurate testing.