Probing Solvation Effects in IBr - (CO 2 ) n by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Elisa Miller Leonid Sheps, Ryan Calvi, and W.Carl Lineberger JILA, Department of Chemistry University of Colorado 62 nd OSU Spectroscopy Symposium June 18, 2007 AFOSR NSF
Introduction Equilibrium structure State energies and geometry IBr - IBr - (CO 2 ) IBr - (CO 2 ) n, n >1 Dynamics Photodissociation and recombination IBr - (investigated by A. Sanov and T. Sanford) IBr - (CO 2 ) n, n >1 (investigated by V. Dribinski and T. Sanford) n = 12n = 8
Photoelectron Spectroscopy X AB - ~ A AB ~ X AB ~ h AB - + h → AB + e - (eKE) Bond length, R Electron binding energy (eBE) Electron kinetic energy (eKE) eBE = h – eKE Results Change in equilibrium bond length, R e Electron affinity (EA) Vibrational frequency, ω e Term Energy, T o ωeωe
Experiment Nd:YAG/ OPO/ doubler Acceleration Stack Pulsed Valve Ion Optics E/E Electron Gun CCD camera Electron Imaging Velocity Map Imaging Time of Flight Mass Gate e-e- IBr in CO 2 Source Chamber
Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) 2-D raw image 2-D slice through reconstructed 3-D image Photoelectron spectrum v1v1 v2v2 IBr - (300nm) photodetatchment
Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) Bond Distance Energy Photoelectron spectrum X 1 + ground state X1+X1+ X 2 + 1/2 I-Br Bond Length v1v1 v2v2 2-D raw image 2-D slice through reconstructed 3-D image
Photoelectron spectrum Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) X 1 + ground state 3 2 excited state Bond Distance Energy 3232 X 2 + 1/2 I-Br Bond Length v1v1 v2v2 2-D raw image 2-D slice through reconstructed 3-D image
Photoelectron spectrum Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) X 1 + ground state 3 1 excited state 3 2 excited state Energy 33 X 2 + 1/2 I-Br Bond Length v1v1 v2v2 2-D raw image 2-D slice through reconstructed 3-D image
IBr - (300 nm) Photoelectron Spectrum 3 1 ~4.07 eV 3 2 ~3.96 eV X 1 + ~3.3 eV Photoelectron Counts Electron Binding Energy (eV) Photoelectron Counts R e = Ǻ R e = Ǻ 3 2 v = 0 3 1 v = 0 Electron Binding Energy (eV)
IBr - Bond Length I-Br Bond Length Energy IBr - ( 2 + 1/2 ) IBr ( 1 + ) IBr ( 3 2 ) IBr ( 3 1 ) R e = (.01) Å R e = Å R e = Å R e = Å
IBr Electron Affinity I-Br Bond Length Energy IBr - ( 2 + 1/2 ) IBr ( 1 + ) IBr ( 3 2 ) IBr ( 3 1 ) T o 1.41 eV T o eV Electron Affinity (EA) 2.51 (.01) eV h eKE EA (IBr) = h - T o - eKE (v ’ = 0)
I-Br bond length Energy I + Br I + Br - D o (IBr) 1.82 eV EA(Br) 3.36 eV D o (IBr - ) = EA(IBr) + D o (IBr) - EA(Br) IBr - Dissociation Energy IBr - ( 2 + 1/2 ) IBr ( 1 + ) EA(IBr) 2.51(.01) eV D o (IBr - ) 0.97 (.01) eV
IBr - (CO 2 ) Photoelectron Spectrum IBr - IBr - (CO 2 ) EA (IBr) 3 2 eBE = 0.15 eV 3 1 eBE = 0.16 eV 1 + eBE = 0.16 eV IBr - Summary Results Bond length (R e ) IBr - = 3.025(.01) Å Electron Affinity (EA) IBr = 2.51(1) eV Dissociation Energy, D o (I - Br - ) = 0.97(.01) eV
IBr - (CO 2 ) Photoelectron Spectrum Energy IBr - (CO 2 ) IBr(CO 2 ) IBr - + CO 2 IBr + CO 2 EA(IBr)EA(IBr(CO 2 )) D o (IBr - (CO 2 )) D o (IBr(CO 2 )) EA(IBr(CO 2 )) = EA(IBr) + D o (IBr - (CO 2 )) – D o (IBr(CO 2 )) Known Properties: EA(IBr) = 2.51 (.01) eV D o (IBr - (CO 2 )) ~ 0.23 eV D o (IBr(CO 2 ) ~ 0.07 eV EA(IBr(CO 2 )) = 2.67 (.05) eV
Conclusions and Future Directions R e (IBr - ) = (.01) Ǻ EA (IBr) = 2.51 (1) eV D o (IBr - ) = 0.97 (.01) eV EA (IBr(CO 2 )) = 2.67 (.05) eV Investigate the effects of additional CO 2 solvation on IBr - Pump-Probe photoelectron studies of IBr - (CO 2 ) n Probing potential energy surfaces and crossings during dissociation/recombination