FOUNDATIONS OF GOVERNMENT CHAPTER 1 NOTES. CHAPTER 1 What’s the difference between anarchy and government? Do you know an example of each? Government-


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Presentation transcript:


CHAPTER 1 What’s the difference between anarchy and government? Do you know an example of each? Government- an institution through which leaders exercise power to make laws affecting the people under its control. Anarchy- a state without government or laws.

CHAPTER 1 Place the functions of government in order of importance to you. Functions of government: Providing leadership Maintaining order Providing National Security Providing Economic Security and Economic Assistance

CHAPTER 1 What must each State have for it to exist? Hint:Pg. 9 Textbook 4 Essential Features of a State: P opulation T erritory S overeignty G overnment

CHAPTER 1 Evolutionary Theory The notion of state evolved from the family Heads of ancient families served as the authority over the group of people. Supporters believe government came about b/c of extended families need of more organization. Force Theory States emerged when people needed to cooperate to survive Could only become organized when one or more people took control Strongest leaders used violence and threat of force to control people and get work done.

CHAPTER 1 Divine Right Theory The idea that certain people are chosen by a god or gods to rule. Egyptians, Maya, Aztec To oppose the monarch, was to oppose God Social Contract Theory The States exist to protect and serve their people. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes People surrendered some freedoms to the state, in return, they received order and security.

CHAPTER 1 What system of government does the United States have? (Hint: Pg. 13 Text) What system did they have before our current one? (Hint: Pg. 12 text) Systems of Government Unitary system Confederate System Federal System

CHAPTER 1 What type of government does the U.S. have? (Hint: Pg. 17) Major Types of Government:  Authoritarian  Monarchy  Democratic

CHAPTER 1 For each economy, name one country that has that economic system. (Hint: pg , but one is a trick question.) Economies of Governments Capitalism- no interference by the government. Mixed Economy- an economic system which the government regulates private enterprise Socialism- significant government role, but not complete control. Communism- government controls factors of production.