22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 1 JIM and SAMGrid for CDF Mòrag Burgon-Lyon University of Glasgow.


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Presentation transcript:

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 1 JIM and SAMGrid for CDF Mòrag Burgon-Lyon University of Glasgow

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 2 Contents What is JIM? What is SAMGrid? How does JIM relate to SAMGrid? How does JIM work? Using JIM What will JIM do once complete? Deployment Plan

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 3 What is JIM? Job Management Infrastructure and Information Management Job Management Infrastructure is the framework allowing job submissions for execution on a cluster that has enough resources to complete the job. Information Management is knowing what resources are available for use.

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 4 What is SAMGrid? SAMGrid is a grid infrastructure whose goal is to allow globally distributed computing for current experiments, CDF and DØ. Minos is strongly considering SAM Communicating with LHC experiments CMS (Fermilab) and Atlas (Brookhaven)

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 5 How does JIM relate to SAMGrid? Complements Sequencial Access via Metadata to provide complete grid services Job Management Information and Monitoring Data Handling

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 6 How does JIM relate to SAMGrid?

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 7 How does JIM relate to SAMGrid? JIM allows a user to submit jobs to SAMGrid and to access the output files on completion. JIM chooses which resources will be used to execute a job. This decision is based on the nearest location of the required data files. SAM executes the submitted job on the chosen cluster providing the I/O data management for the files.

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 8 How does JIM relate to SAMGrid Condor MMS was expanded for SAMGrid –Broker can query SAM station to see how much data is already present. Globus toolkit is used for job transfer and monitoring

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 9 How does JIM work? JOB Computing Element Submission Client User Interface Queuing System User Interface Broker Match Making Service Information Collector Execution Site #1 Submission Client Match Making Service Computing Element Grid Sensors Execution Site #n Queuing System Grid Sensors Storage Element Computing Element Storage Element Data Handling System Storage Element Informatio n Collector Grid Sensor s Computin g Element Data Handling System

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 10 How does JIM work? Distinguishes grid level (global) scheduling (selection of a cluster to run) from local scheduling (distribution of the job within the cluster). Distinguishes structured jobs (where the details are known to Grid middleware) from unstructured jobs (where the whole job is mapped onto a single cluster).

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 11 Using JIM – Submitting a job User creates a jdl file such as the example shown: sam_dataset = jpmm08-1file executable = retrieve.sh input_sandbox = /home_scotgrid/m/mlyon/test/testjob cpu-per-event = 1s job_manager = sam job_type = sam_analysis sam_universe = prd sam_experiment = cdf log = testjob.log output = testjob.out error = testjob.err arguments = Download Output Yet? group = test instances = 1

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 12 Using JIM – Submitting a job The job is submitted by typing: samg submit testjobfile.jdf The progress of the job can be viewed by selecting the submission site from the list: Select the job from the list. Details of the job state are displayed Once the job has been completed the output may be downloaded

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 13 Using JIM – Viewing Map

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 14 Using JIM – Viewing submission sites

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 15 Using JIM – Viewing submitted jobs

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 16 Using JIM – Downloading output

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 17 What will JIM do once complete? Current functionality allows job submission and retrieval Next steps: –Making the web-download secure –User support and defect fixing through testing phase –Roll out of SAMGrid to all CDF sites with available resources –Add more brokering criteria Directors review of Run II computing has recommended the expansion of SAM to be a lab- wide product

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 18 Deployment Plan Two plans running in parallel: Testing JIM with non-trivial submissions: –Large Monte Carlo Simulation –Reconstruction –Analysis JIM software installations: –Glasgow ScotGrid IBM and CDFG Dell cluster –Oxford Dell cluster –Liverpool Dell cluster –UCL Dell cluster –Wisconsin In progress Complete Planned for October

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 19 Deployment Plan Glasgow University has a complete installation of SAMGrid on both ScotGrid and the CDF cluster. This installation is being tested with Monte Carlo simulation. Oxford University will be installed in the first week of October. Other UK institutions and Wisconsin to follow

22 nd September 2003 JIM for CDF 20 Credits Thanks to Gabriele Garzoglio and the JIM team at Fermilab for providing material for this presentation.