Executive Board Chairman - Jon Achtyl Vice Chair - Aaron Chegini Treasurer - Larry Van Wie Executive Director - Will Keller
Appointed Positions Creative Director Communications Director Community Outreach Campus Outreach Digital Media Social Media Social Events Coordinator Photography
Secretary -Notify members of meeting via and/or telephone at least 48 hours in advance -Keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings -Maintain accurate list of members and their contact information -Prepare the organization's Update Form to submit to OSI at the begining of each semester, and when there are changes in organizational information over the course of the semester. -Take attendance at all meetings and maintain an attendance record.
Secretary Formerly held by Andrew Risavy Election held during meeting on 1/15/13 Nominations
Secretary -Prepare ballots for elections -Check elegibility for potential officers, prior to annual elections. -Keep copy of constitution and have available for members -Provide all documents and records pertaining to his/her responsibilities to thge newly-elected Secretary -Assisst in special projects as assigned by the chairman
Larry Van Wie - Treasurer Membership ▫Dues ▫Vote in elections ▫T-shirt ▫Club sponsored trips
Will Keller – Executive Director Tabling, Tabling, Tabling
Cubicle Hours: ▫Wednesday 8:00am – 4:00pm ▫Thursday 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Upcoming Social Events CR Driving Range Night ▫Saturday, Janurary 19 th at 6:00pm ▫Bad Dog Driving Range ▫6933 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL ▫Join us on Facebook!
Buffalo Sports Update!
Summary Secretary Position Election ▫The meeting of 1/15/13 Dues ▫$15 For Spring – Necessary to vote! Tabling ▫Join us, Hang out, and Network! Driving Range Night! ▫1/19/13 at 6:00pm
Your Chairman Jonathan Achtyl Facebook.com/jon.achtyl (716)