Project Highlights Tillman #1 This well has cost over $11 Million to date. MPI is offering 42% of rights & title to well. Evaluated 3 key zones in this well - at least 2 of the 3 zones will have high flow rates of Oil and/or Gas & high value Condensate due to strong pressures. MPI seeks investment of $ 1,470,000 for: Partial cost reimbursement Evaluation & Completion Surface Equipment Pipeline Installation, Gas Hookup AND Right of Way.
Strong Rwa Response 19 Ft of Gas Effect Crossover 28 Feet Of Oil or Gas & Condensate Pay If Gas, Estimated Reserves are 2.3 BCF Plus 115,000 BC
This structure map is contoured on a horizon approximately 1200 Ft shallower than MPI’s Upper Wilcox zones of interest. This Map & Land Map indicate that a 2 nd location may be drilled NE of the current well.
There is strong industry interest in this area as indicated by the fact that ALL lands bordering the Subject Lease are leased (to aggressive mid-sized oil companies) !