3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Towards CBM STS Volker Kleipa, GSI Darmstadt
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Topics ➲ Hybrid Interface and requirements ➲ N-XYTER Si based interposer ➲ Interposer by IMEC et. al. ➲ Issues of silicon based hybrids ➲ DC/DC step down converter ➲ Activities and companies ➲ Issues at DC/DC converter ➲ FEB_D
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Hybrid Interface and requirements 8 n-XYTER chips + ADC + voltage regulators + connector-out Status: -Single chips placed on PCB with passive devices for power and sensor chips -placement accuracy, Bonding Requirements: -high density chip assembly needs -micro-cable detector interconnection -cooling -high quality and quantity interconnections -integrated powering scheme --> Meanwhile in discussion with Floeth GmbH and CAEN, for global power distribution in B-fields and under radiation
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 n-XYTER Si based interposer NX 1 NX 8 NX 2 Sensor Control Power Data...
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 IMEC silicon solution Passive components – Low loss transmission lines – Resistors ( TaN 25 Ohm/Square) – Capacitors: Ta 2 O 5 (2500 pF/mm 2 ) – High-Q inductors ( 0.6 to 80 nH)
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Issues of Si based hybrids ➲ Routing solutions, integration of passive elements in silicon PCBs ➲ Connectivity to sensor and main PCB, bonding types TAP or bump bonding ➲ Rad Hard tests ➲ N-XYTER as Flipchip ➲ Quality and quantity of production (20 up to 1000) ➲ Cost
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 DC/DC step down converter ➲ 1st stage Find out the technical requirements for DC/DC converters running in 2T environment - single board converter, i.e. 1.5A, 3.3V at 5 24V input supply - multi board supply, i.e. 8A, 3.3V at V input supply ➲ 2 nd stage Rad Hard the DC/DC converter
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Activities and companies ➲ Floeth-Elektronik GmbH 1st tests in June 2009 at 1.5T with 3.3V/8A supply ➲ CAEN / Italy Waiting for decision of investigation ➲ Alternative design by GSI Air coils, >4MHz, multi phase
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 FEB_D ➲ New signal pitch on n-XYTER input pads ➲ Slow control and LVDS data wires separated now with two connectors to reduce slow control communication errors. ➲ Diagnostics hardware and power control added An ADC is connected to I2C bus with inputs: -Temperature for chip and environment control -Current sensor for runtime and fail checks -Slow- and Fastshaper output for calibration Schematic is ready for layout – last call for suggestions
3 rd Work Meeting of CBS-MPD STS, Karelia, 2009 Thanks