Podcasts/Podcasting Podcasting is the downloading of audio broadcasts to your computer. Podcasting entails audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed presenting a downloadable or streaming file (often mp3). This is a term that derives its name from the iPod™ manufactured by Apple Incorporated. The iPod is an electronic gizmo that allows downloading files in.mp3 or AAC (Apple iTunes™ format). To date, the primary file download use has been for music for the iPod to be used as a mobile music player. Podcasting, a portmanteau of Apple's "iPod" and "broadcasting", is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost.
Podcasts Downloadable audio broadcast files A portmanteau of ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcasting’ Listen on a portable music player or computer Delivered by subscription using an RSS feed Produced by anyone: home-grown or corporate Content you won’t find anywhere else Time-shifting; Tivo for radio
RSS Rich Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication – A lightweight XML format for distributing news headlines and other content on the Web. A format used to syndicate news and the content of news- like sites. Includes major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites and personal weblogs. It is an alternative means of accessing the vast amount of information that now exists on the world wide web. Instead of the user browsing websites for information of interest, the information is sent directly to the user. RSS is an XML-based format (using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) - a language for representing information about resources in the World Wide Web) that allows the syndication of lists of hyperlinks, along with other information, or metadata. RSS allows a person's computer to fetch and understand the information.
iPodderX - cross-platform media aggregator that handles podcasts, vlogs and other files distributed using newsfeeds.iPodderX iTunes - Apple has announced support for listening to podcasts within iTunes.iTunes Juice - (formerly iPodder) Lets users select and download shows and music and to play whenever they want on their iPods, portable digital media players, or computers automatically.Juice Podcatchers
Getting Started Trillium Lane Podcast Alley Podcasting News ware.html
iTunes Juice + iTunes Juice + Windows Media Player Programs for Podcasting
Couple of iPods