SSD Status Before and After Dessica Installation Massimo Venaruzzo 04/10/2012 SSD – EN/CV Meeting
Outline SSD General Status Before Dessica Humidity Trends Before Dessica Half ladder leackage current before Dessica SSD General Status with Dessica Humidity Trends with Dessica Half ladder leackage current with Dessica Measurements performed by SSD people Conclusions
SSD General Status – Before Dessica 3 Off to prevent trips 11/144 (~8%) High tempNoise in the DQMFluctuating currentHigh current
Humidity Trends Before Dessica CR5 SSD-C (detector entrance)
Humidity Trends Before Dessica SSD-A (detector exit)
Half ladders leakage current before Dessica - 1 A607 (off) C609 (off)
Half ladders leakage current before Dessica - 2 A624 (kept on and used as reference) C601 (kept on and used as reference)
SSD General Status – With Dessica 8 Current still too high High tempHigh current
Humidity Trends With Dessica Dessica Startup Dessica alarm test P2 Power Cut SSD T Stable ~19.9 – 20.1 deg CR5 SSD-C
Humidity Trends With Dessica SSD-A Dessica Startup Techincal Stop 3
Half ladders leakage current with Dessica - 1 A607 C609
Half ladders leakage current with Dessica - 2 A624 C601
Critical Ladder Currents: Overall situation LadderP HV (uA) (Fisair) N HV (uA) (Fisair) P HV (uA) (Dessica) N HV (uA) (Dessica) Variation A % A % A % A % A % A % A % A % A % C % C % C % C /27.5 % C % C % C % C % C /32.6 % C % C % Off
Measurements performed by SSD /09, 16:30 - Dessica started with this setpoints: - RH: 15% (--> 2.03 g/kg) - T: 19 deg (measured near the machine ~18.3 deg, decreased to ~16.6 in the following days) - Flow measured ~314 m^3/h that increased to ~330 m^3/h in the following hours - P measured ~1.5 kPa - SSD C2-sensor RH (at the detector entrance): ~26% - SSD A -sensor RH (at the detector exit) : ~26% - A624: 195 uA - C601: 400 uA 07/09, Flow reduced to ~ 300 m^3/h, other parameters fixed - P measured: 1.26 kPa - SSD C2-sensor RH: ~20.3% - SSD A -sensor RH: ~21.5% - A624: 180 uA - C601: 375 uA
10/09, RH setpoint reduced to 10% (-->1.35 g/kg), other parameters fixed - SSD C2-sensor RH: ~16% - SSD A -sensor RH: ~18% - A624: 160 uA - C601: 332 uA 11/09, Flow reduced to ~ 250 m^3/h (the nominal one), other parameters fixed - P measured: kPa - SSD C2-sensor RH: ~16.8% - SSD A -sensor RH: ~17.9% - A624: 157 uA - C601: 327 uA Measurements performed by SSD - 2 Cleaness measurements ≥0,5μm particles/m³reduction CR5 areaFisair outlet Dessica- CR5% ISO 8ISO 4ISO 6 meter per m³ class
Flow reduction ~ 78.3% Flow reduction ~78.5% Measurements performed by SSD - 3 flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] ITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transpar entblack flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] ITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transpar entblack flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] ITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transpar entblack flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] ITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transpar entblack Dessica flow 150 m³/h Dessica flow 350 m³/h Dessica flow 300 m³/h Dessica flow 250 m³/h Flow reduction ~ 91% Flow reduction ~ 80%
SSD – C side (detector entrance) during SSD measurements Fisair machine Dessica Startup T=19deg, RH set = 15%, Flow ~330 m 3 /h Dessica alarm test Flow 300 m 3 /h, rest fixed Flow 250 m 3 /h, rest fixed RH 10%, rest fixed SSD T Stable ~19.9 – 20.1 deg
Conclusions SSD condition significantly improved : – RH stable at the requested values – Critical half-ladders current decrasing (a complete stabilization needs more working weeks at the proper RH conditions) Further interventions – Leak check then redo the flow measurements – Pipe insulation (to gain in terms of air temperature at the detector), Dessica settings to be kept: 250 m 3 /h, RH 10% (1.35 g/kg)
SSD Humidity Sensor 04 September – 11 September
Humidity in CR5
SSD – C side (detector entrance) Fisair machine Dessica Startup T=19deg, RH set = 15%, Flow ~330 m 3 /h Dessica alarm test Flow 300 m 3 /h, rest fixed Flow 250 m 3 /h, rest fixed RH 10%, rest fixed
SSD – A side (detector exit) Dessica Startup RH 10%, rest fixed Fisair machine Flow 250 m 3 /h, rest fixed Flow 300 m 3 /h, rest fixed
Flow Measurements
FISAIR FLOW setting of supplyAir speed in tube[km/h]flow [m³/h ]part of demand [%] total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSD ITS env. SPD SDDSSD ITS env.SPDSDDSSD Blue BLUE transpare ntblackBlue BLUE transpa rentblackBlue BLUE transpar ent blac k inside L ?? Jan FISAIR flow 250 m³/h setting of supplyAir speed in tube[km/h]flow [m³/h ]part of demand [%]total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSD ITS env. SPD SDDSSD ITS env.SPDSDDSSD Blue BLUE transpare ntblackBlue BLUE transpa rentblackBlue BLUE transpar ent blac k inside L ?? Sep FISAIR flow 250 m³/h
DESSICA FLOW Dessica flow 150 m³/hmearured on by Mino and Grazia setting of supplyAir speed in tube [km/h] flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSDITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transparentblackBlue BLUE transpare ntblack inside L Dessica flow 250 m³/h setting of supplyAir speed in tube [km/h] flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSDITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transparentblackBlue BLUE transpare ntblack inside L Dessica flow 300 m³/h setting of supplyAir speed in tube [km/h] flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSDITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transparentblackBlue BLUE transpare ntblack inside L Dessica flow 350 m³/h setting of supplyAir speed in tube [km/h] flow [m³/h] total flow [m ³ /h] [m³/h]ITS env. SPD SDDSSDITS env. SPD SDDSSD Blue BLUE transparentblackBlue BLUE transpare ntblack inside L
Cleaness Measurements
FISAIR machine setting of supply≥0,3μm particles/m³reduction≥0,5μm particles/m³reduction [m³/h] outside magnet inside magnet air from tube% outside magnet inside magnet air from tube% meter per m³ class --ISO 6 ISO 9ISO 7ISO setting of supply≥0,3μm particles/m³reduction≥0,5μm particles/m³reduction [m³/h] outside magnet inside magnet air from tube%CR5 areaFisair outlet Dessica- CR5% meter per m³ 000#DIV/0! class --ISO 6 ISO 8ISO 4ISO 6 FISAIR – DESSICA machine
SSD Reference Current
LadderP HV (uA) (Fisair) N HV (uA) (Fisair) P HV (uA) (Dessica) N HV (uA) (Dessica) Reference (uA) (Oct-Nov 2011) A ~ 150 A ~ A ~ 150 A ~ 150 A ~ A ~50 A ~ 250 A ~ 80 A ~ C ~ C ~ 90 C ~ 150 C ~ 200/250 C ~ C ~ C ~ 120 C ~ 30 C ~ C ~ 50 C ~ 70