Innovations and Inventions of the 1980’s Patrick Miller, David Milter, Theo Offerman
The sony walkman was the first portable music player The walkman works by having a cassette tape coated in magnetic particles in the form of sound waves Sony Walkman This is the first time people could listen to music by them self anywhere, this paved the way for other portable devices such as the iPod.
The first personal computer ever released to the public Was able to run basic programs It was powered by the mother board which houses the cpu and ram coined the term “PC” It changed the way we worked, communicate and entertain ourselves the IBM Personal Computer
The motorola dynatac 8000x offered 30 mins of talk time, 6 hour standby, and could store 30 phone numbers. and that all costs $3995 It ran on a cellular network called AMPS which made calling from a mobile device possible Created a new market of consumer electronics and changed how we socialized with others Mobile Cell Phones Released
The Macintosh was the first Personal Computer developed by apple It ran on a motorola processor at 7.8 mhz, to put that into perspective the new galaxy s mhz (2.1 GHz) Apple released this to compete with the IBM PC Apple launches First Macintosh Computer
One of the first forms of the gaming consoles. Called the NES for short Used to play 8-bit games. Was released alongside Super Mario Bros. Introduced side-scrolling games. Made videogames much more accessible. Paved the way for home consoles such as the Xbox, Playstation, and the Wii Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Microsoft introduced its new graphical operating system shell called Windows Its release was due to the growing interest in Graphic User Interfaces Microsoft Windows is launched GUI’s like Windows allowed users to interact with graphic icons on the screen, rather than text based interfaces.
The Gameboy is the 2nd handheld gaming device made by Nintendo following the Game and Watch series. Plays 8-bit games with a 2-bit color palette. Alleyway, Baseball, Super Mario Land, Tennis, and Tetris were the five initial titles that were released with the Gameboy. Because it was handheld, people could take their Gameboy wherever they go to play with it. Paved way for other handheld devices, like the DS and other entertainment systems Nintendo Gameboy is released
Apple created the Lisa, the Macintosh, the Mac classic, and the Mac portableLisathe Macintoshthe Mac classicthe Mac portable By making these products, they create competition which then leads to innovation, this then allows better tech at a much faster rate because companies are always looking for “the next big thing” Steve Jobs was so important to Apple due to his uncanny product vision. While he lacked the technical skill, he envisioned new products that were created and were extremely successful for Apple. Steve Jobs/ Apple
In addition to Apple, Microsoft was one of the largest tech companies during the 1980’s. Its innovations in PC’s and user interfaces allowed more people to have access to PC Microsoft's products also created competition with other large companies at the time, like Apple, allowing for technological innovations and inventions to be made at a much faster rate. Microsoft still finds extreme success in its PC’s and user interfaces 30 years after it initially launched its first product. Microsoft