SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik PXD Session SOI: more information: see TIPP09 -> submission in February,


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Presentation transcript:

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik PXD Session SOI: more information: see TIPP09 -> submission in February, back in May includes SVD chip components for vertical integration Zycube)

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DEPFET Prototype Production L. Andricek:

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Production Details

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Production Status

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Radiation Hardness Problem: Threshold voltage shift of DEPFET gate and clear Present technology (thick gate oxide):  V = 16 – 25V (~ 10 V after annealing) New: thin gate oxide, Optimized dielectrics DV ~ 2.2V (before annealing)  Smaller (simpler) DEPFET technology test run planned in parallel to PXD6 production  DEPFETs with thinner and optimized gate dielectrics in the final run!

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DEPFET Readout and Control ASICs I. Peric (Heidelberg)

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Switcher 3 Radiation tolerant layout in 0.35 μm technology 128 channels + Very fast - Operation up to 11.5 V Novel design: Uses stacked LV transistors, HV twin-wells and capacitors as level- shifters + No DC power consumption Tested up to 22 Mrad 9V out ‘SRAM’ 3V ‘SRAM’ 6V ‘SRAM’ 0V 3V 6V 9V 2ns

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Switcher 4 Uses radiation tolerant high voltage transistors in HV 0.35 μm technology 64 channels + fast enough + Possible operation up to 50 V (30V tested) + low DC power consumption Enclosed design of NMOS HV transistors Should be rad hard (to be tested) Final chip: only 16 or 32 channels

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DCD »- Technology 0.18 μm »- 72 Channels »- 2 ADCs and regulated cascode/channel »- 6 channels multiplexed to one digital LVDS output »- ADC sampling period 160 ns (8 bits) »- Channel sampling period 80 ns »- LVDS output: 600 M bits/s »- Chip: 7.2 G bits/s (12 outputs) »- Radiation tolerant design »- ~ 1mW/ADC

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DCD Layout for superBelle: 160 channel chip, bump bonded Radiation hardness tested up to 7 Mrad

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DHP Configuration Synchronization DCD/Switcher Data processing (CM, Pedestal 0-Sup) Clustering? Buffering, Trigger handling Being designed, 90nm CMOS

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Interconnection Techno Min. pitch Bump pad Max. bumps Pressure / bump UBM Sensor Wafers Needed ReworkCostWho Au Stud (60)600>25gno NoLow HD, (BN, HLL) Bumpe dChips (?)  0yesNoYesMed HD, (BN, HLL) Deposit PbSn ~10070(?)  0yesNoYesLow PACTEC (HD ?) By vendor 5015  0yes YesHighIZM,… Baselin: Gold studs. Alternatives are studied

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Summary: ASICs »- DCD prototype chip has been tested with test signals that correspond to DEPFET currents and irradiated up to 7 Mrad. » The chip works fine and has high enough conversion speed. » Operation with matrices still to be tested – we do not expect problems. » Only „fine tuning“ of the design for the super KEKB operation is necessary. »- Switcher prototype with LV transistors has been tested and irradiated up to 22 MRad. » The chip works fine and has adequate speed for SBelle operation. »- Another prototype with HV transistors has been designed and tested. »- The irradiation of the chip still has to be done but the basic and most critical part (high- voltage NMOS) has been irradiated up to 600 KRad and no damage has been observed. »- DHP chip will be designed using digital design tools in intrinsically radiation hard 90 nm technology. »- Choice between 4 different bumping technologies – advantages and disadvantages still to be evaluated…

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Mechanics Geometrical arrangement Clearances Space for connectors… Overlap for alignment

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Mechanics Tilt of beam pipe & (sensitive) sensor length limited to 10 cm  Parallel shift of module arrangement  Outer layer: two modules need to be joined together  Inner layer: monolithic (material!) Give us a smaller beam pipe!

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Summary: Mechanics First ideas of mechanics have been discussed during last weeks Features:: PXD is mounted on the beampipe insist on monolithic sensor area for the first layer need to separate 2nd layer in order to keep acceptance due to tilt of beam axis need shifted ladder mechanics (need elaborate alignment strategy -> work is ongoing) A design solving this problem has been prepared Not studied yet: cooling of the sensor / switcher with gas No details yet on mounting of the DHH (Kapton-> Optical Fibre) Proposal: Start discussions with the IR / SVD groups need working group with regular (EVO) meetings

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Thermal Studies Simulations started (Karlsruhe, Valencia) Remove ~ 150 W  Active (liquid) cooling at the module ends  Forced air cooling along the module H.-J. Simonis Mockup for thermal studies

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DAQ

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DAQ Copper/Finesse capability exceeded by two orders of magnitude! Proposal by Sören Lange (Giessen) ATCA based computer node Talk in DAQ session

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik DAQ Compute Node (CN) Concept 5 x VIRTEX4 FX-60 FPGAs Each FPGA has 2 x 300 MHz PowerPC Linux (open source version), stored in FLASH memory algorithm programming in VHDL (XILINX ISE 10.1) ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) with full mesh backplane (point-to-point connections on backplane from each CN to each other CN, i.e. no bus arbitration) optical links (connected to RocketIO at FPGA) Gigabit Ethernet ATCA management (IPMI) by add-on card Foreseen for HADES and PANDA

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Simulations Z. Drasal Simulation of superBelle ID In ILC framework Evaluation of options Background studies

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Simulations Example: number of pixels in z Limited by readout time 10  s ->  m pitch 20  s ->  m pitch Considerable improvement However: occupancy? Impact parameter Resolution (z) <-1000 pixel 2000 pixel ->

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Open issues: Data links Kapton tape: too long? => Look at micro-coax (ATLAS pixel) Data handling hybrid Patch panel data compression Drivers for opto-links Data-links (optical)

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Open issues Power supplies Need programmable, modular power supply Presently: need 18 different voltages: must be reduced! Also useful for beam tests, lab test… Service routing: power, data and control, cooling (air, liquid) Space restricted and shared with SVD Common effort needed -> working group?

SuperKEKB 2nd open meeting March 17-19, 2009 Hans-Günther Moser MPI für Physik Ringberg Workshop 3 days for talks and discussions! Please sign up!