A Quick Introduction
About TransferScape LLC Our Mission Increase the economic impact of new technology. Our Product RapidScreen, a web service to transform the analysis of very early stage technologies.
Seven Early Indicators of Commercialization Opportunity Inventor SupportInstitutional SupportDevelopment Status Intellectual Property Status Technology Ownership Market Opportunity Market Pain Research indicates that these factors provide an early read on the real opportunity of an early stage technology.
Seven Early Indicators of Commercialization Opportunity When you have a portfolio of technology opportunities, how can you quickly review those categories so that you spend your time and energy on the right ones?
About RapidScreen Keeps a database of technologies Leads you through analysis Enables team-based collaborative decision making RapidScreen is a web service for discovering the opportunity associated with very early stage technologies.
Web 2.0 Features For A Two- Hour Analysis 1 Add Technology to database 2 Perform Inventor & Institution Interviews 4 Integrate Subject Matter Experts into the rating effort Roll up ratings and rank results 3 Team receives notifications of updates
Snapshot Inventor Interview Screen This is a partial view of the Inventor Interview screen. The inventor interview is essential to uncover status, support, ownership and IP issues.
Snapshot Institution Interview Screen This is a partial view of the Institution (for example, licensing office) Interview screen. Licensing office cooperation and support is essential to commercialization.
Snapshot Inventor Ratings RapidScreen leads reviewers through the key factors of each rating category. A rigorous process minimizes oversights and keeps things focused on the important issues.
Sample An Eleven-Technology Portfolio Here is a portfolio rating in progress in RapidScreen. When complete, this serves as the RapidScreen summary report for a portfolio.
Why use RapidScreen in Global Commercialization? Capture technologies and their history Enable worldwide collaboration and review Find key “showstoppers” early before you make a global-sized investment Make worldwide contacts for the potential venture Build a war chest for marketing and commercialization Global Commercialization
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