1 ISECON 2004 Providing and Evaluating Instructional Multimedia Institutes for Science, Mathematics and Technology Educators ISECON 2004 Newport, Rhode Island
2 Sylvia Sorkin, Donna Tupper & Andrew Beiderman Mathematics Todd Abramovitz Internet and Multimedia Technology Community College of Baltimore County, Essex Campus Marianne Cinaglia Secondary Education Rowan University Authors Authors
Building the IMMT Program Instructional Multimedia Certificate 2000 Simulation and Digital Entertainment AAS 2002 IMMT Certificate & AAS 1999 Multimedia Authoring course 1995 Internet Literacy course 1995
4 Classroom Multimedia Specialist Certificate 12 required credits: 12 required credits: – Information Seeking through the Internet – Multimedia Authoring I – Managing Learning with Technology (new) – Multimedia Authoring II One 3 credit elective from: One 3 credit elective from: – Basic Game Programming I – Ethical Responsibilities in the Computer Age (new) – Online Course Management (new)
5 Facilitative of Greater Internet Use n High levels of classroom connectivity n Computer expertise n Constructivist pedagogy n Participation in staff development n Informal contacts with other teachers n Involvement in professional leadership activities n Being a young teacher n Not being a mathematics teacher Source: H. J. Becker research at
6 n Released Recommended Foundations in Technology for All Teachers in June 2000 n Include operating a multimedia computer system, using scanners, digital and/or video cameras, using multimedia productivity tools.
7 N S F - AT E Funding n CCBC awarded $435,000 for 3 years in 2002 n Instructional Multimedia: Curriculum, Professional and Educational Materials Development for Science, Mathematics, and Technology n Annual Conference: June 23-24, 2005
8 Local Educational Partner CCBC Essex partnered with Baltimore County Public Schools Pat Baltzley, Secondary Mathematics Supervisor to provide professional development for inservice teachers in the use of instructional multimedia.
9 Instructional Multimedia Institutes n Summer institutes are 8 AM - 3 PM for 2 weeks in mid July n Participants commit to attending in two consecutive summers and receive $800 in software. n NSF funding provides $60 per day stipend for secondary and college teachers in science, mathematics, technology fields.
T IM 2 S Summer Institutes 14 returning teachers 25 new teachers & faculty 14 returning teachers & faculty 20 returning teachers & faculty
T IM 2 S Institute Teachers 30 from Maryland 9 from other states CO NC NY PA SC Anne Arundel Baltimore City Baltimore County Harford Howard Montgomery Prince George’s Talbot
T IM 2 S Institute Teachers 24 from Maryland 15 from other states AR CO CT FL GA LA MN NE NY PA WA Baltimore City Baltimore County Charles Harford Montgomery Prince George’s Washington Wicomico Worcester
13 Participants Responses 2003 n Felt more time needed for Flash, Authorware, Fireworks and JavaScript. n Dreamweaver and Flash were the most useful sessions. n No single “most used” resource taught during the session. n 2004 Survey not yet available.
T IM 2 S Institute Teachers Middle School Teachers High School Teachers College Teachers Technology Teachers Math Teachers 18 Science Teachers Average Teaching Experience was 15 years
T IM 2 S Institute Teachers Middle School Teachers High School Teachers College Teachers 1210 Technology Teachers Math Teachers 17 Science Teachers Average Teaching Experience was 10 years
16 Software Distribution Year One n SnagIt - 03 n Camtasia Production Studio - 04 n Photoshop Elements2 n Digital Camera - 04 n Macromedia Studio MX Year Two n Authorware
17 T I M 2 S Activities Teaching with Instructional Multimedia in Mathematics, Science and Technology n Use software for website development, animation, screen capture, digital imaging n Create websites for use in classes n Use daily and overall evaluations n Graduate credit or MSDE inservice credit available
18 Topics in T IM 2 S Institute n Camtasia’s Production Studio n JavaScript n ADA Guidelines n Copyright Law n Microsoft Powerpoint n Digital Cameras / Scanning n Authorware n Dreamweaver and Flash
19 Differences n Returning participants from were far better prepared than in n Macromedia changed versions of Dreamweaver for a third straight year. n Flexibility and additional sessions helped in the assimilation of new material.
20 Multimedia Learning Activities n MLA’s are small computer- or web-based animations and interactive applications. n They illuminate a single concept, which may be difficult for students to grasp. n Participants produce MLA’s (using Flash or Authorware) for use in their classrooms, and we put them online in a web repository.
21 Multimedia Learning Activities
22 Multimedia Learning Activities
Overall Evaluation Results Scale used 1 = Not at all 2 = Slightly 3 = Moderately 4 = Highly Would you recommend this type of institute to a colleague? 3.9
Overall Evaluation Results Scale used 1 = Not at all 2 = Slightly 3 = Moderately 4 = Highly Would you recommend this type of institute to a colleague? 3.8
Familiarity Before and After TIM 2 S With multimedia software With audio/video capture With creating webpages Before After
26 Websites of Interest n TIM 2 S Participants’ Websites IMMT Annual Conference IMMT Annual Conference Multimedia Learning Objects Multimedia Learning Objects
27 More Websites Application Form Application Form n Limited number of seats available for 2005.
28 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under award DUE Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. This project was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under award DUE Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.