Incidence, depth and severity of children in poverty Alberto Minujin and Enrique Delamonica UNICEF
Incidence of poverty… RegionChildrenHouseholds %Number (000s)% Sub-Saharan Africa83264, ,336 South Asia82459, ,077 Middle East & North Africa6599, ,898 Latin America & Caribbean 3568, ,277 East Asia & Pacific23137, ,518 Developing World561,028, ,107
Depth of poverty… Number of deprivations Developing world Sub-Saharan Africa South AsiaMiddle East &North Africa Latin America & Caribbean East Asia & Pacific 0 (Not poor) At least Total100
Depth of poverty…
Hypothetical example of two regions with the same incidence and depth but different severity of child poverty Number of deprivations01234 Households suffering from deprivationsA Households suffering from deprivationsB104501
A possible index : But standard deviation is more intuitive
South Asia
Middle East and N. Africa
East Asia
A possible tool for UNICEF’s entry in policy dialogue
Socio-economic analysis and policy dialogue is uneven (COs/ROs/HQ). Good examples of engagement in SWAps and PRSPs (e.g. Ghana and Vietnam) Little coordination and support. UNICEF must enter and steer poverty debate Need for higher visibility and impact UNICEF internal workshop on PRSPs (April ’05, NY)
Monitor the focus of poverty reduction strategies, national development plans and donor activities on children and women. Annual Global Monitoring Report, working paper series, web- accessible information and database. Country and Regional offices participate in the process and “learn by doing”. Stimulate and upgrade evidence-based advocacy. Analyse the impact of policies, laws and budgets on children. Networking with academia and policy centers. Children and poverty reduction: Proposal for a Global Monitoring Programme (GMP)