esMD Pilots Workgroup May 15, 2014
Meeting Etiquette Please announce your name each time prior to making comments or suggestions during the call Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call –Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meetings, is being recorded –Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking! Feel free to use the “Chat” or “Q&A” feature for questions or comments NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the esMD Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2
Agenda 3 TopicPresenter AnnouncementsNadia Ramey StatusNadia Ramey / Pilot Sites UpdatesNadia Ramey / Pilot Sites DocumentationNadia Ramey/ Pilot Sites Discussion / Next StepsNadia Ramey
Announcements Potential new pilot site: -qliqSoft
Pilot Sites Pilot SiteProvider Registration Digital Signatures E-Clinical Template for PMD E-Clinical Template for LLP 1Secure Exchange SolutionsXX 2PAHISP LLC & NHDSXXX 3IBEZA LLCX 4MEAXX 5InprivaXX 6MaxMDXXX 7eSolutions, Inc.XXX 8MRO Corporation & DigiCertXX 9Strategic Healthcare SolutionsXXX 10NumotionX 11University of PittsburghX 12Colonial MedicalX 13Monroe WheelchairX 14MedStar National Rehabilitation HospitalX 15MedAZ.Net, LLCXX 16Opie SoftwareX 17Quality OutcomesX
Pilot Sites OrganizationPOC Pilot Work StreamsType of Organization Provider Profiles Authentication Digital Signatures E-Clinical Template for PMD E-Clinical Template for LLP HIEHIHRHIOHISPEHRPHR CMS Contract or DME/ Suppli er Provid er Org Secure Exchange SolutionDan Kazzaz XX XXX PAHISP LLC & NHDSPeter Bachman XXX XXX IBEZA LLCVictor X XX MEAVijay XX XXXX Inpriva Ginna Yost Don Jorgenson XX X MaxMDBruce X eSolutions, Inc.Greg XXX MRO Corporation & DigiCert David Borden Scott Rea XX XXX Strategic Healthcare Solutions Dr. Mark X NumotionMike X X University of PittsburghBrad X X Colonial MedicalDavid X X Monroe Wheelchair Doug Westerdahl X X MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital Ginger X X Med A-Z Gita Reddy Vijaya Vasu XX X Opie SoftwareSean XXX Quality Outcomes X
esMD Benefits Saving time, money and resources for CMS/Payers and Providers Eliminates print/mail operations required for sending or processing medical documentation request letters Eliminates need for postage costs Increases the accuracy of the information requested and received Improved receipt time for both providers and payers Improved timeliness results in improved accounts receivable cycle for provider, so payments are received sooner Reduced staff time spent handling paper
Documentation Overview of esMD Pilot Site wiki sections: Overview -Technical Approach Objectives Stakeholders and Points of Contact Demonstrated Standards Ecosystem Diagram Pilot Project Timeline Anticipated Resources Success Metrics Reference Materials
Overview Provide short summary Identify organization’s capabilities Plan for participation in the pilot process Technical Approach -Include summary of the technical specifications that will be implemented -How pilot will be accomplished (i.e. developing a portal, creating templates). -Document which parts of the Implementation Guide will be implemented Please be as specific as possible
Objectives Goals of the pilot Include what you intend to show, prove, or support for the pilot Should be an actionable statement with specifics Also include description of what you hope to gain from this pilot
Stakeholders and Points of Contact Identify members of each organization supporting the pilot Also provide the organizations and appropriate contact information for organizations you have decided to partner with. Indicate partnerships with other organizations Key items: o Name o Role o Address Additional items: o Phone number o Company website
Demonstrated Standards Specify the standards utilized as part the pilot ecosystem, e.g.- o HL7 C-CDA Structured Documents o ASC X o CONNECT o HL7 Digital Signatures DSTU o IHE DSG
Ecosystem Diagram A visual representation of pilots ecosystem Could be a diagram or flow chart Should include: o Stakeholders and partnerships o Transfer of pertinent documentation o Overall work flow of pilot process Helps us to understand the partnerships and roles each organization plays, as well as the basic technical infrastructure of the pilot
PMD eClinical Template Ecosystem Payer Patient LCMP DME Supplier Physicians Content Transport Services ECM CMS Private Network Medicare Administrative Contractors 14 HIH eClinical Template Pilot Site Clinical PDF Bundled PDF Detailed Product Description Clinical PDF + LCMP Evaluation
Ecosystem Diagram Diagram by PAHISP/NHDS
Pilot Project Timeline Indicate proposed timeline for conducting the pilot Can be as simple as a dashboard of milestones, e.g. - August ‘13April ‘13June ‘13 Harmonization L2 AoR L1/L2 Pilots eDoC Use Case and Requirements eDoC Harmonization and Structured Data PMD User Story October ‘13December ‘13February ‘14April ‘14June ‘14August ‘14 HL7 Ballot for L2 IG PMD e-Clinical Template Pilots LLP User Story eDoC Administrative Documents Templates IG for HL7 Ballot We are here HL7 Ballot Reconciliation Electronic Determination of Coverage WG Author of Record WG Provider Registration Pilots Overall S&I Framework Project Management and Support Home Health User Story AoR L2 S&I IG
Anticipated Resources Current resources Resources needed to conduct pilot process: o Technical o Organizational o Human Resources
Success Metrics How will success of the pilot be determined? Should be quantitative and not subjective (as much as possible) Example: o Successfully review and sign bundled documents for determination of Coverage for PMD, and submit to online CMS Portal
Reference Materials Include documentation developed for the pilot Include documents relevant to your pilot ecosystem Can include: o esMD Pilot Project Profile o Process documents o Templates o Screen shots
Discussion / Next Steps Lessons Learned Questions