Chapter 5 How Jesus Evangelized
Father V Son V Spirit V Disciples V The Will of God V Life, for the glory of God, through words and actions
Focusing on Words John 4:1-42 “What did Jesus' evangelism look like? Perhaps we can imitate Him in that too.”
Class Response Jesus spoke from Normal Deep He was unafraid of social norms He was unafraid of talking to a ‘big sinner’ He was knowledgeable (God-revealed knowledge) He waited/was patient Even when He was tired, He engaged her in conversation He regarded everyone as valuable/He showed love to everyone He said, “I’m God.” We can do almost all of these things when we talk with people. We should pray that we can be more patient and loving, and for strength so that we do not allow tiredness to affect our engaging others if there is an opportunity. Also, we can study how to move conversations from Normal to Deep (using a book like Tactics).
Focusing on Words It was the hot part of the day. Men didn't talk to women in public. Jews didn't talk to Samaritans. Asking for water from her showed vulnerability uncharacteristic of men of that time. Her frustration with water may have been tied to her frustration with men (the former made her think about the latter). “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and finish His work.” (verse 34)
Focusing on Words How did Jesus talk with the woman in Samaria? What was Jesus' overall demeanor/attitude? How much did the woman participate in the conversation? How did the woman's attitude change throughout the conversation?
Class Response Jesus was personal/friendly, or like a Rabbi (there was a mix of feelings about how Jesus acted in this conversation) Jesus let her ask about the Messiah/God, He didn’t push her about it He moved from what she could do to what He could do He invited her into a deeper conversation She felt comfortable to go further because He was not accusatory, and He was patient and loving PLEASE choose a person who does not believe and pray for them.
Some Notes about What Jesus Did “As we watch Jesus, however, we see that evangelism flows out of who he is. As he does what comes naturally to him, people sit up and take notice, and ask him questions. Surprising though it may seem, the same is true of us. What comes naturally to us as Christians is distinctive and attractive to those around, even when we are not aware of it.” - Chapter 5
“This is why Augustine, a bishop of the early church, could say: "Love and do what you like." If we are learning to love and follow God, then "what we like" will change to come into line with what God likes. Hence, Jesus was thinking like God in deciding to go straight through Samaria; Jesus was feeling as God does in treating the woman as a full human being; Jesus loved God with all his being... and could do what he liked. This story shed a whole different light on evangelism. No trace of the spiritual flasher here. Instead, we find relationship, good conversation, openness about spiritual matters. Certainly there is a challenge, but it seems appropriate to the context. In this chapter, as elsewhere in the Gospels, I was struck by Jesus' God- driven humanity. Here, finally, is an evangelist worth imitating.” - Chapter 5
Discussion Questions What are some experiences you have had talking with strangers about Jesus? What about talking with people you know? How would you like people from other religions to interact with you? How would you like someone from another religion to talk with you about what they believe?
How can we be like Jesus? The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. --C. S. Lewis It is the duty of every Christian to be Christ to his neighbor. --Martin Luther
Application Questions Who are we praying for right now? Who else can we pray for? What can we do right now to be ready to talk later? Are we acting in a way that brings glory to God?
Every man is a missionary, now and forever, for good or for evil, whether he intends or designs it or not. He may be a blot radiating his dark influence outward to the very circumference of society, or he may be a blessing spreading benediction over the length and breadth of the world. But a blank he cannot be: there are no moral blanks; there are no neutral characters. -- Thomas Chalmers Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. -- Sally Koch