Firm Foundations Lesson 8: God Made Eve Memory verse: Genesis 2:23-24
Last Lesson What did God complete on the 6 th day? Why did God rest on the 7 th day? What did God make for Adam? Why? What did God command Adam not to do? What would be the consequence of Adam’s sin?
God decided that Adam needed a wife Genesis 2:18 Adam shouldn’t live alone –God decided, knew best for him God wanted Adam to be complete –Needed a helper and companion God knows our needs ahead of time –Loved Adam –Created a wife for Adam when she was needed
God brought all the animals to Adam to be named Genesis 2:19, 20 Adam named all the animals –Adam had perfect intelligence God brought them all before Adam
Adam couldn’t find a suitable companion Genesis 2:20 Man was very different from the animals Adam needed someone he could talk to –Needed someone like himself Man couldn’t provide himself with a companion God knew that Adam would need a wife
God created Eve from Adam’s rib Genesis 2:21, 22 Only God could do this God made the first woman as a gift for man –A special gift, he was to take good care of it! –A mind, emotions, and will just like Adam’s, to complement him
Marriage was ordained by God Genesis 2:23,24 …so they could live together happily and have children –God’s command to Adam Marriage was God’s perfect plan for them –James 1:17 – “every good and every perfect gift is from above” –Marriage is good because it is from God –Children and families are special to God
Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed Genesis 2:25 They weren’t embarrassed –No evil thoughts Everything they knew was good –Nothing to be ashamed of
Conclusion Life was perfect for Adam and Eve –Had everything they needed –Everything was beautiful –Talked with God and each other every day –Ruled over creation –God guided their decisions –Their work wasn’t hard –They were perfectly healthy What happened? –We’ll study that later God’s Word has not changed –Thousands of years have passed, but God hasn’t changed
Review What did God decide that Adam needed? Why did God decide to make a wife for Adam? Was it right for God to do this without asking Adam? How did God make the first woman? How was it possible for God to make Adam from one of Adam’s ribs? What command did God give Adam and Eve?