READING THEATRE Based on the story of Cleversticks By Isabelle Meluse Bagassien Characters: Narrator 1, 2, 3, and 4 Julie (Carlos’ friend) Carlos (main character) Tanya (Carlos’ friend) Carla (Carlos’ friend) Mrs. Dam (teacher) Carlos’ Dad
“I am smart” Narrator 1: It is the story of a little boy named Carlos who thought that he was unable to do things correctly, but gave him a special talent! Listen what happened to him in class! Carlos: I do not know what I will do today at school, because I am not really smart. Julie: Look Carlos, I know how to tie my shoes! Yeah!!
“I am smart” Narrator 1: Carlos seems embarrassed because he did know to tie his shoes. Carlos: I think I will paint with Tanya. Tanya: Look Carlos, I know how to write my name with the painting, it is cool!!! Narrator 2: Carlos seems discouraged because he did not know either how to write his name, and it was more difficult with the painting.
“I am smart” Carlos: I think that I will play outside with Tommy. Narrator 2: Carlos has to put his coat on and knows how to button up his coat, but something happened, he missed one button. Carlos: Oh no! I did a mistake, Mrs. Dam could you help me please?
“I am smart” Narrator 2: while Mrs. Dam helped him, his friend Carla buttoned up her coat really fast without any mistakes. Then, Carlos said with a sad face. Carlos: Oh! I am not smart at all, I do not know how to tie my shoes, I do not know how to write my name, and I do not know how to button up my coat. What I will do!!!!
“I am smart” Narrator 3: Carlos was desperate, but one day something special happened to Carlos in Music class! Carlos: I love to sing in Spanish because it is my first language and we talk Spanish at home too. Narrator 3: Mrs. Dam teaches a song in Spanish but everybody had a lot of problems to pronounce words, except for Carlos who could sing fluently even better that the teacher.
“I am smart” Mrs. Dam: Carlos, You are smart! you know two languages and it is so easy for you. Friends: Wow! Carlos could you teach us some words in Spanish, please!!! Carlos: Of course, you are my friends and I will always help you! Julie: Do not worry, Carlos, I will help you to tie your shoes!
“I am smart” Tanya: Do not worry, Carlos, I will help you to write your name with painting! Carla: Do not worry, Carlos, I will help to button up your coat! Carlos: Oh thank you my friend, I love you all and God bless each of you! Narrator 4: After Carlos hugged his friends, and it was time to go home.
“I am smart” Narrator 4: Now, Carlos is telling his day to his Dad and he is excited. Carlos: Dad, Dad! You know that I AM SMART! Dad: Yes, son! Why this question? Carlos: Because I thought that I knew nothing but I realized that I am smart as my friends!