The Laws of Love Commandments according to Jesus
First You must love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength
Second You must love your neighbour as yourself. Jesus lived out this love by giving up his own life for us. The religion of Christians is about love, equating God with love itself
What Love Asks of Us Qualities of Love
1. Knowledge of other person: attempt to understand the other person in depth. 2. Flexibility: able to respond to change in the person we love and to shift in the relationship.
Qualities of Love 3. Patience: we hang in there with the person through difficult times. 4. Honesty: to be genuine in our caring and do not put on masks to pretend we are something we are not.
Qualities of Love 5. Trust: we let go of our concern about constantly protecting our own interests in a relationship so that the other person can grow. 6. Trustworthiness: we can live up to the other person’s trust in us.
Qualities of Love 7. Humility: treat each other with dignity and respect, we recognize that we are all human beings with flaws and limitations 8. Courage: have the courage to face the unknown – rejections, conflict, and separation.
Qualities of Love 9. Forgiveness: we do not hold the other person’s hurtful behaviour or wrongdoing over his/her head. We talk about it.
Recognize the Qualities of Love - There are 9 keys to a good relationship, give examples from the following 2 songs