Administrator Development What does successful implementation of high preforming professional learning communities look like and how will we know when 100% of our learning communities are functioning successfully? What type of leadership is necessary to ensure the continual success of professional learning communities?
Parkway Strategic Plan: Develop and support strong professional communities that utilize data, knowledge, experience and research to improve practice and accomplish goals.
Transfer Goal Administrators will be able to increase student achievement by the successful implementation and monitoring of professional learning communities. Administrators will be able to increase student achievement by the successful implementation and monitoring of professional learning communities.
Knowledge and Skills Administrators will know the critical role of leaders in initiating and sustaining the professional learning community the fundamental philosophy of professional learning communities Administrators will be skilled at (able to do) being the lead learner of professional learning communities in their schools defining their role and the role of their staff members in the successful implementation of professional learning communities
Overview Activation Activity – Whip Around “Celebration” Chapter 3 – The Principal’s Role in Leading a Professional Learning Community (Self-Assessment) School Application
Whip Around - Celebration What’s been your greatest success this school year as a “leader of learning”? My greatest success as a leader of learning has been….. Double “Click” Affirmation of Success
Self-Assessment Read each of the Principal Responsibilities and the corresponding Application to Collaborative Teams of PLC. Assess yourself for each “Application to Collaborative Teams of PLC” 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 (1 = I haven’t considered this yet and 5 = I am a rock star)
Around the Room and Back Again Take your book and move around the room sharing either your thinking on where you are on Application to PLCs. Talk to three other people. Return to your tables after you have shared and listened to three other people. Group Share – What did you notice?
The Collaborative Team as a Catalyst for Shared Leadership Factors for Consideration Facilitator Reads Each Factor Jot down the names of the first two faculty members who come to mind next to the factor in the book. What did you discover from this process? Turn and Talk
What’s Happening at Your School? Move into groups of four (people who are not at your building). Share one action your school has taken toward the establishment of professional learning communities.
Reading for Next Time December 8 th (Afternoon) December 15 th (Breakfast Club) Read Chapter 4 Creating the Collaborative Culture of a Professional Learning Community
Got and Wants On a note card write down one thing you GOT from our work and one thing you WANT for next time. Thanks! Have a great day!