LESSON 10 Studying Abroad
Part One Application Procedures 出国留学的申请程序 查询学校资料( inquiry ) 提出书面申请( application ) 填写申请表( application form ) 提供考试成绩( score report of standard tests ) 提供大学成绩单( transcript ) 学历和学位的复印件及公证书( copies and notarization of graduation and degree certificates ) 准备推荐信( letters of recommendation ) 写好个人陈述( personal statement ) 经济担保证明( affidavit of support ) 体检表或健康证明( health form or certificate ) 食宿申请表( application for accommodation ) 正式提出申请( official application ) 录取( admission ) 申请签证( application for student visa )
Part Two Correspondences for Studying Abroad 出国留学信函 申请信 ( application letters ) Sample: Application for Entry to a Graduate School 申请攻读硕士学位 Dear Sirs, My name is Sun Wei. I graduated in 2002 from Nanjing University majoring in Mathematics with a B. S. degree. Since my graduation, I have been teaching Mathematics in my mother school. With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M. S. degree in Statistics and begin my study in your university in spring of I am also applying for a scholarship or a teaching assistantship which will enable me to come to your university sooner. I have taken the necessary tests. My scores were: TOEFL 611; GRE Hope to be favored with an early reply. Yours sincerely, Sun Wei
Part Two Correspondences for Studying Abroad 推荐信( letter of recommendation ) Sample: Letters of Recommendation for Studying Abroad 留学推荐信 Department of Electromechanical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou , China Tel: October 8, 2003 To whom it may concern,
Part Two Correspondences for Studying Abroad I am very pleased to write this recommendation for Mr. Han Wei to apply for your Master’s program. As his Academic Advisor in the undergraduate years and Lecturer of Electromechanical Engineering and Electronic Information Engineering for his class in the academic year of 2002~2003, I get to know a good deal about his strengths and capabilities. First, he is a goal-oriented individual with the admirable self-learning ability and thirsts for new knowledge. Since the courses of Electromechanical Engineering are interdisciplinary ones involved in Mechanics and Electronics, the assessing standard for them is not paralleled to that of specialty in Electronics. Nonetheless, Mr. Han Wei taught himself far beyond what the teaching syllabus required. His efforts rewarded him with top grades in the examinations despite the strict assessing system of our university and he is ranked among top 10 percent of 220 students of this major in the comprehensive academic evaluation for the past three academic years.
Part Two Correspondences for Studying Abroad Second, Mr. Han Wei doesn’t confine himself into merely textbook studies. I witnessed his prominent experimental capability when he entered my course of Electronic Information Engineering. Few students, including the most excellent performers in examinations, can handle various difficulties encountered in the lab. Mr. Han Wei is so exceptional that he can combine theories and practice very well, exhibiting the outstanding practical skills and analytical ability. Last but not least, with his explorative spirit, genuine interest in Electromechanical Engineering and dedication to scientific research, Mr. Han Wei has prepared himself well for the advanced studies at your honored university. I am sure he is qualified for advanced scholastic pursuit and I don’t hesitate to recommend him to be a graduate student in your graduate school. Your favorable consideration for his application will be highly appreciated. Should you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Lin Yimei Associate Professor for Department of Electromechanical Engineering
Part Three Affidavit of Support
Part Four Information for Applicants and Application Form 入学须知和入学申请表 各大学在收到申请人的申请信后,一般会很快给予答复,并 寄来正式的申请表格。由于各校规定不同,申请表格也不尽一致, 但各校的表格和材料也有许多共同点。本节主要以牛津大学的申 请入学须知和要求(见 Sample 7 )为例,介绍如何填写入学申 请表(见 Sample 8 )。 申请人在收到正式的申请表格和材料后,不要急于填写,而 应先通读申请入学须知及表内的内容。校方对各项申请事宜如申 请专业、申请学院、身体状况、所需材料、邮寄申请等均作了非 常细致的说明与规定。由申请入学须知可以看出, 申请人应准备 以下材料随申请表一道寄回学校: 3 封推荐信,大学成绩单,学 习和研究计划(个人陈述), 字左右的与专业相关的书面 作业(个别专业要求), TOEFL 、 IELTS 或 TWE 成绩。