1. the tank in there car hasn’t no gas in it 2. did you hear jungle voices, a short poem Monday
3. withstand : _______ : : withdraw : retreat 4. P.O. : post office : : ________ : United Nations Daily Analogy
1. the Company shes working for is Tenneco 2. he has took the larger apple from the bowl of apples every time Tuesday
3.crocodile : alligator : : toad : _______ 4. ________ : symphony : : author : novel Daily Analogy
1. mr and mrs j b turner 1204 hickory street canton oh them children could of ate two meals after they finded the lost puppy Wednesday
3.alphabet : letter : : _________ : note 4. bi- : two : : quadri- : ____________ Daily Analogy
1.the plane leaves st louis at 1105 in the morning and it arrives in houston at 147 in the afternoon 2. a aunt of mine plays the drums good Thursday
3.country : national : : world : ________ 4. absorb : sponge : : ________ : magnet Daily Analogy
1. there wedding will be held in march 2. you didn’t tell me that carl moved to ames iowa Friday
3.huge : _________ : : vast : tiny 4. lay : _________ : : lie : lay Daily Analogy