Kenny A vs State Principles Georgia’s Child Welfare System must actively promote the opportunity for children to grow up with in a family. Family contacts should be maintained if non destructive. Foster Care should be temporary. The State is the primarily responsible for foster care and private providers should be strictly monitored. All children should receive the best of care. Children should be in the least restrictive, most family like setting as possible. Non family-like settings should be avoided. Foster children should get the services they need for stable placements. The Commissioner of DHR is the person in charge of child welfare.
Kenny A vs State A Presentation by The Georgia Association of Homes and Services for Children July 13, 2005 Summary and Analysis
Planning Child will have an CCFA within 24 hours after the 72 hour hearing. A Family Team Meeting will be held in 3-9 days. Within 25 days of placement, a Multidisciplinary Team will evaluate recommendations from FTM Within 30 days, a case plan will be delievered to Juvenile Court Judge. Permanency Reports will be made after 13 months in care. After 18 months in care, child will be assigned a Specialized Case Manager.
Placement DFCS will conduct a needs assessment for Fulton and Dekalb Counties. Secured through a RFP Process Expert to evaluation what services are needed.
Reimbursement Rates Effective July 1, 2005 all foster parents (public and private) will be reimbursed at the following rates: Ages 0-6 $13.78 Ages Ages 13 or older 17.75
Reimbursement Rate Taskforce Establishment of a Taskforce to establish a rate structure to establish meaurable outcomes for foster children. To make recommendations about Level of Care (revisions or replacement). Consider various pilots in the State. Move toward Performance Based Contracting. Members: James L. Kunz, Howard A. Peters III and Becky Butler. Recommendations in 120 days of signing.
Most Appropriate Placements Assessments in 30 days or less. Counties will have placement process in place. Placed according to assessed needs. Within 50 miles of their home. No child in an emergency or temporary placement for more than 30 days. Siblings placed together when possible. No child in a foster home with more than 3 foster children or 6 children total.
Fairness Hearing The deadline for submitting written comments on and objections to the proposed settlement agreement is Thursday, September 1, Parties and other interested persons or groups may write to the Court at the following address: Luther P. Thomas, Clerk United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Richard B. Russell Federal Building and Courthouse 75 Spring Street SW Atlanta, GA Persons who wish to speak at the fairness hearing must file their request with the Clerk of the Court by September 9, 2005 and indicate briefly whether they wish to provide a comment or an objection, and briefly state the nature of the comment or objection.
Group Care Restrictions Capacity is measured by total number of children on a campus. No child under six. No child age 6 to 12 without written approval of State Social Services Director. No child age 6 – 12 on a campus with more than 12 children. Clothing needs is responsibility of DHR.
Health Screenings Physical Health Denatl health Mental Health EPSDT/Georgia Health Check Program
Single SACWIS Fully implemented with a plan by December 31, 2005.
Caseloads In one year: CPS case manager – 12 cases Ongoing Case manager – 17 cases Placement case manager – 15 cases Adoption case manager – 16 cases Case Manager Supervisor – 5 case managers
Supervision of Contract Agencies No corporal punishment allowed. Agencies required to report data every 6 months. Yearly licensing reviews. Review of 5% of agencies foster homes or 10 homes whatever is greater.
Child Placing Agencies All foster parents have same standards.
Outcome Measures 95% of CPS investigations commensed in 24 hours. 95% of CPS investigations completed in 30 days. 99% of CPS investigations will have face to face with victim. No more than 8.6% of foster children will reenter care. No more than.57% of foster children will be a victim of abuse. 98% of foster homes will be non corporal punishment.
Outcome Measures 95% of foster children will have diligent search for relatives Permanency by adoption, reunification, kinship care or permanent guardianship No more than 5% adoption disruptions. 80% placed with siblings 95% have less than 2 moves. 90% placed within 50 miles of home.
More Measures Graduation rates increased. 98% of foster homes approved fully.
Accountability Accountability Agents: –James T. Dimas –Sarah Morrison
Fairness Hearing Dates for Kenny A v. Perdue comment period and fairness hearing The fairness hearing for Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 1:30pm. At the fairness hearing Judge Shoob will determine whether the proposed settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate, according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and if it is, the final Consent Decree can be approved. Judge Shoob’s courtroom is on the 17 th floor of the Richard B. Russell Federal Building located at 70 Spring St. SW
Settlement Briefing by B.J. Walker and Ira Lustbader Sponsored by Voices for Georgia’s Children Georgia PBS – 14 th Street, Atlanta July 26 at 10:00 a.m. RSVP Parker Lee (404) or