Skills and Content Standards: Let’s Mash ‘Em Up!
Agenda Introductions Brief look at AASL Standards in the context of various national standards Identify some common terminology How do we mash up all these standards into lesson plans?
Introductions As we go through the introductory slides, feel free to use the chat window to tell us Why you signed up for this Webinar “Talk among yourselves” is OK, too
Introductions –Kristin Fontichiaro (your original host and Webinar designer was Cassandra Barnett) –Birmingham Public Schools, Michigan –AASL Standards & Guidelines Implementation Task Force –Author and blogger
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8-page document: Standards for the 21 st -Century Learner 9 Common Beliefs 4 Standards Dispositions Student Responsibilities Student Self- Assessment Strategies Skills
AASL Standards for the 21 st - Century Learner Learners use skills, resources, and tools to 1.inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge; 2.draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge; 3.share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society; 4.pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Click to open these links in your browser
Summarizing the skills No longer “information literacy” but INQUIRY Multiple formats: print, digital, media, visual Critical & creative thinking Social/collaborative learning
Inquiry Skills Learners are engaged in asking questions and finding answers. New learning builds on previous learning (prior knowledge). Learners express new understandings and apply them to new situations (transfer). Learners reflect on their own learning process (metacognition).
Designing Instruction for Skills Best when learners are guided to –construct their own understandings –apply those understandings Acquisition of these skills is developmental. Best if integrated with content-area curricula.
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Other Prominent Documents On 21 st -Century Learning
Partnership for 21st-Century Skills Learning & Innovation Skills –Creativity & Innovation –Critical thinking and Problem Solving –Communication & Collaboration Information, media & Technology Skills –Information Literacy –Media Literacy –Information Communication and Technology Literacy Life & Career Skills –Flexibility and Adaptability –Initiative and Self-Direction –Social and Cross-Cultural Skills –Productivity and Accountability –Leadership and Responsibility
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration Research & Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations & Concepts
Identifying Common Keywords: AASL, P21, NETS*S Critical thinking skills/Problem solving Inquiry Multiple literacies (media, print, visual, digital) Information Literacy Collaboration/Social networking Ethics/Responsibilities Technology tools
Mashing ‘Em Up: Key Points for Instructional Planning Look for the commonalities What fits with the teacher’s content goals? How much time do we have?
Translating the “Skills” into Learning Objectives Standards in Action: Grade 3 example (begins on p. 80) Standards in Action is available at the ALA Store
Branches of the United States Government Grade 3 Skills Indicator(s): Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. Benchmark(s): Use various note-taking strategies (e.g., outlining, questioning the text, highlighting, graphic organizers). Paraphrase or summarize information. Connection to local or state standards: Content Standards for Grade 3 Social Studies: The student can describe the purpose and structures of the three branches of the federal government. Content Standards for Grade 3 Language Arts: The student can explain the results of an investigation to an audience using simple data organizers (e.g., charts, graphs, pictures).
Branches of the United States Government Grade 3 Final Product: Students complete a graphic organizer matching the names of the three branches of the federal government with the officials and major responsibilities of each branch. Library lesson: Students will learn to listen and watch for information, then record and categorize it using a graphic organizer.
Discuss in the Chat Window: How could we make this more inquiry-focused?
Discuss in the Chat Window: How can we extend this lesson so that students will “gather meaning” and “make inferences”?
Translating the “Skills” into Learning Objectives Collaboration This template may be useful to guide the conversation Also available on p. 116 of Standards in Action
Think Tinkertoys or Pick-a-Mix When planning a lesson, don’t have to match a Skill from Standard 1 with a Disposition from Standard 1 Think Pick-a-Mix Why are the Standards like Tinkertoys and not like Garanimals?
Discussion in the Chat Window: How is this different from current practice?
Discussion in the Chat Window: What challenges do you foresee in implementing the skills portion of the AASL Standards?
Discussion in the Chat Window: What opportunities do you foresee in implementing the skills portion of the AASL Standards?
Follow-up: AASL blog