Before we begin… Go to the LHS webpage. Click “Departments”. Click “Media Center”. Or go directly to Bookmark it!
Welcome English 9/Interactive Media Class Mrs. Kozma – Librarian/Media Director Mrs. Hoots – Assistant Librarian/Media Assistant
Research Your Goal – Using the library’s resources and databases, conduct research and gather evidence to support your argument on whether hunting for sport should be legal or illegal. My Goal – Show you there’s more to research and collecting credible evidence than just “googling it”or going straight to wikipedia.
Credible Sources Credible? What do mean, Mrs. Kozma? Credible sources are ones you can trust to be accurate! Credible sources have already gone through an evaluation process by experts. You do not have to evaluate them beyond their relevancy to your information need. You will not get inaccurate information with the sources I am showing you today!
Credible Sources Four credible sources here include Library Books (We are doing this next visit!) Google Books (This is not the same as Google! We’re doing this next visit!) Gale Cengage Databases Opposing Viewpoints in Context Student Resources in Context
Credible Sources Library books and “in Context” databases are even cited for you in MLA format! For you! You don’t have to do a thing! Copy and paste!
College Libraries Purdue University, for example, has 453 databases that you would be expected to use as a student there. 453 databases We’re only focusing on four LHS library resources. Four gives us a good introduction.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context Credible Source #2 Opposing Viewpoints in Context covers today’s hottest social issues from capital punishment to violent video games. This cross-curricular tool supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and helps you (the student) develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw your own valid conclusions. You do not need to login at school. At home, the password is “reddevils”. Let’s go back to the library’s webpage and click “Opposing Viewpoints in Context”. We will use the search term “hunting”. Opposing Viewpoints is a gold mine of information!library’s webpage
Student Resources in Context Credible Source #3 Student Resources in Context provides stellar support for papers, projects, and presentations that reinforce development of skills like critical thinking and problem solving; communication; collaboration; creativity; and innovation. You do not need to login at school. At home, the password is “reddevils”. Let’s go back to the library’s webpage and click “Student Resources in Context”. We will use the search term “hunting and…”.library’s webpage
Google When you do a random Google search you have to use a webpage evaluation tool such as the CRAP test. Whoa! Did Mrs. Kozma just say “crap”? Yes. The CRAP test decides whether a webpage is CRAP or not.
CRAP Test C – Currency (Is it up to date?) R – Reliability (Is it accurate?) A – Authority (Is the author an expert?) P – Purpose/Point of View (Fact? Opinion?) You will learn more about this in class! Today, stick to the sources I just showed you!
CRAP Test Watch what happens when I “google” “hunting pro con”. “hunting pro con”
CRAP Test If you stick with the sources I showed you, you can SKIP the CRAP Test! Yay!
Happy Researching! Take a stand and use your evidence to convince your audience of your opinion! Your argument will be better if you research the other viewpoint as well so that you can form a better argument. If you have questions please ask me! You can even come see me during Advisory if you need me!