Presentation to Joe Smith Prepared for the Learning from Award Winning Teacher Education Programs Session Professional Development School Special Interest Group Association of Teacher Educators Diane Yendol-Hoppey, Jennifer Jacobs, Danielle, Dennis, Katie Tricarico, Rebecca Burns, Jeni Davis, Sarah van Ingen with doctoral student representation from Stephanie Branson and Wendy Baker
Presentation to Joe Smith Defining Characteristics High quality, conceptually-organized coursework Extensive, scaffolded field experiences High quality supervision Inclusion of Signature Pedagogies in PDSs Guided by conceptual framework
Presentation to Joe Smith Programmatic Conceptual Framework
Presentation to Joe Smith Program Goals Strengthen teacher leadership within the partnership Strengthen collaboration between partners Strengthen sustainability by appropriating adequate resources Develop PSTs’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions needed to demonstrate inquiry, inclusion, innovation, and integration Foster PSTs’ ability to demonstrate professional competencies
Presentation to Joe Smith Create a culture that nurtures a strategically focused research agenda Create a culture of research dissemination Develop, implement, and evaluate strategies for embedded professional development Develop structures and relationships that support on-going discussion between stakeholders Program Goals
Presentation to Joe Smith USF Pathways to Certification Urban Teacher Residency Partnership Program (UTRPP) Cohort Partnership Program (CPP)
Presentation to Joe Smith Theoretically-Sound and Research-Based Essential Elements of Both Pathways
Presentation to Joe Smith Program Structures Quality Coursework Adopted signature pedagogical routines; Education of teacher educators; Scaffolded learning experiences Teacher Research Systematically threaded research process; Culminating in a capstone research product; Teacher Inquiry Conference Quality Field Supervision Shared boundary roles (PRTs); Consistency with supervision to build relationships with schools over time; Methods course instructors serve as supervisors Quality Residency Residency: Specifically developed innovation context for research and collaboration; clinically-centered Cohort: Similarly developed innovation context; Clinically- rich Opportunities for alternative summer field experiences
Presentation to Joe Smith Comparing the two pathways Urban Residency Partnership Program (UTRPP) Elementary Cohort Partnership Pathway (CPP) # of Students60300 # of Schools620 # of Cohorts210 # of Field Experiences 5 (2 Year-Long)5 (Scaffolded)
Presentation to Joe Smith Comparing the two pathways Urban Residency Partnership Program (UTRPP) Elementary Cohort Partnership Pathway (CPP) Duration2000 hoursabout1000 hours SupervisionPRT’s & Content Coaches PRT’s, GA’s, Instructors, Faculty PDS Characteristics 1 CommunityIndividual Schools
Presentation to Joe Smith Collaborative Oversight
Presentation to Joe Smith Research-Based Assessment Framework Captures progress towards: 4I’s Conceptual Framework Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) 2010 ESOL Endorsement Standards 2011 Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies 2011 Florida Subject Matter Competencies and Skills
Presentation to Joe Smith The “Bucket Plan” Collaboration among stakeholders from college and school partners resulted in a cohesive set of: –Critical tasks –Formative and Summative Assessments –Dispositional Assessments –Coaching Tools –ePortfolio Initiative –Online Surveys
Presentation to Joe Smith Alignment of Program Goals, Activities, and Assessment
Presentation to Joe Smith
Final Thoughts Responded to recent policy, research, and accountability demands by re-envisioning teacher education through clinically-rich and clinically-centered pathways Intense collaboration Attention to data and research Nurturing the next generation of teacher educators Advancing K-12 students in Florida Public Schools
Presentation to Joe Smith Thank you! Diane Yendol-Hoppey Rebecca West Burns