The Harvest For The Lord Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2 March 16, 2008
Nancy Lou Burns ► Deaf Missionary to the Deaf in Peru ► Field Location: ► Chiclayo, Peru, South America ► Mission Agency: ► Baptist International Missions, Inc. ► Chattanooga, Tennessee ► Home Church: ► West Side Baptist Church ► Billings, Montana
John and Henra Clark ► Deaf Missionaries to the Deaf in the United States ► Field Location: ► Dayton Baptist Temple ► Dayton, Ohio ► Mission Agency ► Clark Ministries ► Home Church: ► Dayton Baptist Temple ► Dayton, Ohio
Thomas and Krupa Reddy ► Missionaries to the Deaf in India ► Thomas (Deaf) Krupa (Hearing) ► Field Location: ► Ephphatha Ministries ► Hyderabad, India ► Mission Agency: ► Baptist International Outreach ► Maynardville, Tennessee ► Home Church: ► Ephphatha Ministries ► Hyderabad, India
Jim and Debbie Walterhouse ► Deaf Missionaries to the Deaf in Mexico ► Field Location: ► Lighthouse Baptist Church for the Deaf ► Tampico, Mexico ► Mission Agency: ► Baptist Bible Fellowship International ► Home Church: ► First Coast Baptist Church ► Jacksonville, Florida