Emmy’s Interview – Dr. Freeman
Meet Dr. Freeman! Dr. Freeman is the Guilford Public Schools’ new superintendent. He held a reception for Guilford parents and kids to come to meet him at the Guilford Community Center on Dec. 6, I was very interested in knowing our new superintendent. When my mom said we would go to the reception in a couple of minutes, I suddenly thought of interviewing him. I wished I could know him better through this interview. How exciting!!!
This is me meeting Dr. Freeman. He is a very nice superintendent. I asked if I could interview him. He replied ‘Yes, SURE!’.
I was asking why he chose this position as superintendent of Guilford Public Schools.
He shared with me that he has a lot of experience with teaching and education. He loved writing when he was graduated from college. So he decided to be a language arts teacher. After a while he wanted to try being a principal. He succeeded. Afterwards, he was a superintendent at Griswold town. He said he liked to try different places and schools, so he moved to Guilford to be the new superintendent of all Guilford Public Schools.
I was curious whether or not he enjoyed being a teacher, principal and superintendent. He smiled and said he loved both teaching and being a principal and superintendent. And he thought that being a teacher and principal should both be called “TEACHING”.
“What make you enjoy being a teacher, a principal and a superintendent?” I asked.
He smiled and told me “I love kids. I think teaching is a great way to communicate with kids, connect to them and understand what they are thinking. I think KIDS ARE SPECIAL people!”
That’s quite interesting ! I told Dr. Freeman with a hand shake. “It is very nice meeting you today” said Dr. Freeman. Just then, I heard click, click, click and saw flashing light from the cameras. Then I thought Dr. Freeman and I would be on Newspaper.
As I was about to leave, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. The interview was finished and I was starving for cookies at the front table. “Job done!” I told myself. Now I am pretty sure, Dr. Freeman will be an excellent superintendent because he has a lot of experience and loves kids and teaching.