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Pontiac Township High School has a 4 point grading scale, right?
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F F-??? 4 point scale- Really?
Scenario 1: If a student has a 0 on all nine assignments first quarter (they account for 100 points total),there are three test grades in the gradebook (72,78,&75), and we average the grade, the student would receive a 56% for first quarter. If the test scores were averaged themselves, the student would receive a 75% for the quarter. If we average the test grades and give the student a 64% (which is failing) for his or her homework grade, the student would receive a 72% for the quarter. Which scenario is a more accurate reading of the student’s mastery? We have to ask ourselves, “what evidence will we accept or tolerate to support mastery of standards?” “We think we’re teaching them responsibility, but are we teaching them Math?”
Grades vs. Learning Teacher Mentality Student Mentality Cultural
Dr. Tae’s Ted Talk More Resources if You are Interested Cathy Vatterott Breaking the Homework Grading Addiction Bill of Rights to Homework (attached) Debbie Silver Teaching Kids to Succeed Rick Stiggins Susan Brookheart