Innovations in Accountability and Transparency Through Citizen Engagement Bellagio Study and Conference Center June 16 – ‘A snapshot of what we have heard so far’ John Gaventa Julia Moffett
A Framework for our Conversation Strengthening Democratic Governance Accountability Strategies/Innovations Meeting Development Goals/Delivering Basic Services Public Engagement + Government Reform Accountability and Transparency
Multiple Strategies for Accountability and Transparency Budget work – information and transparency Other work on revenues and financial streams Participatory governance Community based monitoring and advocacy Access to information Media and other communications ICTs Standards, Indexes, Report Cards Aid transparency and accountability Strengthening Parliamentary and other forms of governmental oversight Access to justice/ legal strategies Building oversight coalitions Independent Research/Information
Cross-cutting themes Accountability is more than accountancy – it is at heart of relationship between citizens and their states Accountability is not neutral – combined with transparency and voice, it can shape and challenge the distribution of power and resources Growing demands for accountability may create resistance –shrinking civil society autonomy and space? Different approaches may work in differing contexts, sequences and combinations –but we need much more joined up understanding of how, where and when
The Actors Multilaterals –World Bank, UNDP Governance Centre Bilaterals –DFID, CIDA Private Foundations –Aga Khan Development Network, Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Open Society Institute Civil Society Organisations/NGOs –BBC World Service Trust, East Africa Citizen Agency Initiative, Gender and Development Network, International Budget Project, Logolink,, Revenue Watch Institute, Society for Participatory Research (PRIA), The Access Initiative (TAI), TIRI
Snapshot of Resource Commitments FUNDERS $474m CIDA/1yr $118m DRC/DFID/5yrs $5b UNDP/3yrs $23m Hewlett/1yr $30m/Gates/2yrs $12-20m Ford/1yr $10m Google/1 yr PRACTIONERS $34m BBC WST/1yr $12m TIRI/5-10yrs $3m PRIA/1 yr
Issues Around Funding and Resources Significant Resources at Hand Additional Resources Planned/In Related Budgets New Types of Funders/Donors Bilateral Priorities How Much We Don’t Know
How are you supporting these strategies? Funding Capacity Building, Education and Training Technical Assistance Research Policy/Policy Advocacy Knowledge Building and Learning, Networks
Strategies for Accountability and Transparency- What are you supporting? Production of Independent Research/Information (8) Budget Work – information and transparency (7) Community based monitoring and advocacy (7) Strengthening Parliamentary and other forms of governmental oversight (7) Access to justice/ legal strategies (7) Participatory governance (6) Access to information (6) Media and other communications (5) Standards, Indexes, Report Cards (4) Other work on revenues and financial streams (4) ICTs (3) Building oversight coalitions (3) Aid transparency and accountability (3)
Grantees/Partners Interconnectedness Common Funding How many of you are looking for partners Extensive Networks
Geography Global, Regional, National, Sub-national Asia, Africa, Middle East, Former Soviet Union, Europe, Latin America, US Post conflict – Afghanistan Heavy East Africa/Expanding into West Africa New Approaches Emerging
What you said- Issue Baskets Making the Case and Building the Evidence Our Own Accountability and Legitimacy Building Synergy and Collaboration Scale, Replication and Sustainability Absorption – Internal and External Creating Bottom Up Demand for Accountability Developing New Accountability Strategies Increasing and Sharing Our Knowledge
What you said- Other Takeaways Roles of bilaterals and foundations Amount of data we have Secondary vehicles Audiences Technology possibilities
A Key Moment for Accountability A Key Moment for Many Strategies IBP---Logolink---Ford---Hewlett ---Gates---PRIA---UNDP--- World Bank
Is the Framework one that you are comfortable with as a foundation for this meeting? Does anything else strike you as important not covered in this snapshot?
A Reminder of the Purposes of the Workshop To share knowledge and practical learning To identify key issues and factors for success, and prospective vehicles or entry points to move them forward To develop a broader vision/strategy for building the field collaboratively
Workshop Outline Monday – Setting the Context and Naming the Moment Tuesday –Identifying the Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges. –Prioritising issues for our work Wednesday – Key Factors for Success and Vehicles for moving forward Thursday –Envisioning the Agenda for the Future and Planning Next Steps Friday –Informal follow up discussions
Ways of Working Build from the knowledge in the room through short inputs, open conversation, plenary and group work Look beyond our own work to the field as a whole Search for ways to collaborate and move forward ‘Chatham House’ rules – comments not for attribution Listen, respect, engage, challenge