Strengthening Families through Early Care and Education Chicago, IL October 27, 2006
The Ripple Effect Beyond expectations: a surprising, explosive movement led by early childhood leaders in many states Momentum and great partnerships: approaching partnerships: approaching a tipping point a tipping point
Ripples One at a Time Find evidence that early childhood programs can prevent child abuse Influence national leaders and systems to adopt the idea Focus on state by state implementation to reach scale Create greater safety for millions of young children
The Result Small but significant changes in early childhood practice that help programs reach out to families more effectively can have enormous impact on: Preventing child abuse and neglect Preventing child abuse and neglect Parenting competence and confidence Parenting competence and confidence Long term results for young children Long term results for young children
Steps Along the Way A new framework for preventing child abuse and neglect Finding exemplary programs and documenting good practice Partnerships with key national leaders and national organizations State leadership teams, now in 21 states
Where we are today 7 CSSP pilot states 3 Largest Cities: LA, Chicago, New York 9 Trust Fund Grantees (3 pilots) 15 Learning Network States Zero to Three training in 12 states NAEYC Fellows in 24 states
CSSP Pilot States
CSSP Pilot State Impact Total Children: 700,302 Total Centers: 10,747 Number of Centers Implementing Action Plans by end of 2006: 4,175 Exemplary programs identified in pilot states: 214
CSSP and Alliance States CSSP and Alliance States
Potential Impact of Statewide Implementers Total centers: 34,614 Total children 0-5 in child care: 2,873,966
Behind the Numbers Enthusiasm and leadership from key state leaders: early childhood, child welfare administrators, Children’s Trust Funds, governors State Policy and Regulatory Changes: Professional Development Professional Development Licensing Licensing Quality Rating Scales Quality Rating Scales Mandatory Reporter Training Mandatory Reporter Training
National Influence Protective factors alignment from the most important organizations and leaders NAEYC accreditation changes: 971,000 children in 11,353 centers Parents as Teachers: 320,000 Children Healthy Families America: 50,000 families
All States with Activity All States with Activity
Signs of Systems Change Reframing CAN prevention to highlight child development CDC Violence Prevention Branch CDC Violence Prevention Branch HHS Office on Child Abuse and Neglect HHS Office on Child Abuse and Neglect Including Support for Families in Early Childhood Efforts: A New Norm? State PreK Funding State PreK Funding Policy Guidance from NCSL and NGA Policy Guidance from NCSL and NGA Gates Foundation and other funders Gates Foundation and other funders
A Tipping Point? Momentum and impact is growing Significant adoption of a new national approach to prevention AND good results for more children Continued and growing demand from states and national organizations for technical assistance and planning
The Work is Not Finished Continued leadership and support is necessary to: Deepen good practice Ensure sustainable policy Move to scale in all states Track results and generate evidence of effectiveness
The “New Normal” Child abuse and neglect prevention becomes building healthy families Early childhood programs extend their mission to support families and protect children Child welfare and other state systems that serve vulnerable children and families recognize and support the developmental needs of young children State policy and funding sustain the work of Strengthening Families