King Abdulaziz University Department of European Languages & Literature Syntax (LANE-334) Chapter 3 Functions Dr. Abdulrahman Alqurashi Dr. Abdulrahman Alqurashi 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3341
Categories vs. Functions 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3342
Introduction 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3343
The verb and its complements 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3344 Verb types Intransitive Copula Monotransitive Ditransitive Complex transitive Intransitive +PP Transitive +PP Frames [ VP –] [ VP – { AdjP,NP or PP} ] [ VP – { NP / S} ] [ VP – {NP- NP / NP-PP} ] [ VP – NP - {AdjP / NP} ] [ VP – PP ] [ VP – NP - PP] Examples He laughed He seems [ AdjP very sad] He killed [ NP the mouse] He gave [ NP the girl][ NP a book] He called [ NP him][ NP a fool] He leaned [ PP towards the girl] He put [ NP the cup][ PP on the table]
The verb and its complements 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3345 Intransitive verb Monotransitive verb
Grammatical functions in S 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3346
Examples: A. The boy was reading B. Was the boy reading? ② Subjects of finite clause agree with the first auxiliary or with the main verb if there is no auxiliary. Examples: A. The boy was reading B. The boys were laughing A. The boy reads a story everyday. B. The boys read a story everyday. 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3347
③ Subject NPs can be replaced by a pronoun in the subjective form but not in the objective form. Examples: A. The boy was reading. B. He was reading. C. * him was reading. 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3348
Grammatical functions in S 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-3349
Grammatical functions in S 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33410
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33411
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33412
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33413
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33414
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33415
Grammatical functions in VP 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33416
Assignment Assignment Q : Bracket the complement and indicate what kind of complement it is and how it is realized in each of the following sentences: The doctor put her on a diet. They left the door open. The room is in a mess. He destroyed all the magazines. This song gives me a headache. He lives in Paris. 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33417
Adjuncts and Complements 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33418
Adjuncts and Complements 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33419
Complex sentences: function of clauses 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33420
Complex sentences: function of clauses 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE S
Complex sentences: function of clauses 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33422
Complex sentences: function of clauses 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33423
Grammatcal functions in phrases 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE FunctionSpecifierHeadComplementsAdjunct CategoryModelVerbNP (PP) Exampleswillshowthe girlthe paintingsafter dinner
Grammatcal functions in phrases 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE FunctionSpecifierHead Category(Adv)Adverb Examples [ Adv very] [ Adv extremely] [ Adv recently] [ Adv slowly]
Grammatcal functions in phrases 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE X-Phrase: Specifier – Head – Complement – {Modifier/Adjunct} X
What to do next week What to do next week Read chapter 4. Prepare for your mid-term exam See you next week. See you next week. 2014KAU-Syntax/ LANE-33427