Adjective Modifiers Adjectives typically go before the words they are modifying, or after with helping verbs. For example: The pretty girl The girl was pretty. In the first example, pretty is an adjective modifying the noun girl. In the second example, was is a helping verb andpretty is again an adjective modifying girl. Adverb Modifiers Adverbs can go before or after the thing they are modifying, depending on what exactly is it they are modifying. For example: The very pretty girl He ran quickly In the first example, the adverb very is modifying the adjective pretty which is modifying the noun girl. In the second example, the adverb quickly is modifying the verb ran. When you have a single adjective or adverb, misplaced modifiers rarely occur since they would immediately sound incorrect. However, when a modifying phrase is used, misplaced modifiers become more common.
Misplaced modifier- Words, phrases, or clauses that do not clearly relate to the word or phrase they are intended to modify.modify A misplaced modifier can usually be corrected by moving it closer to the word or phrase it should be describing.
1. Eagerly awaiting her birthday, Mary's presents were all picked up and admired by Mary many times throughout the course of the day.
WRONG The modifier should be modifying Mary and the sentence should be rewritten: Eagerly awaiting her birthday, Mary picked up and admired her presents many times throughout the day.
2. She served sandwiches to the children on paper plates.
This makes it looks like the children are being served on paper plates instead of the sandwiches. It should read. She served the children sandwiches on paper plates.
3. A. He bought a horse for his sister they call Prince. B. He bought a horse they call Prince for his sister. 4. A. At the library, the little girl screamed at her mother. B. The little girl screamed at the library at her mother. 5. A. The tall boy led the parade with red hair. B. The tall boy with red hair led the parade.
3. B 4. A 5. B
Kathy donated a television to the Youth Center that she no longer used.
Kathy donated a television that she no longer used to the Youth Center.
While the other groups are presenting, jot down one fact and one thing you liked about the way they presented their PSA.
Pathos: The speaker writes to the audience’s emotions. An emotional appeal evokes anger, laughter, sadness, joy, pride, etc in the reader or listener. Some methods of creating emotional appeals include: Connotative diction Carefully crafted syntax Personal anecdotes Read the excerpt from an address by former President George W. Bush following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. What is the purpose of the speech?
The speaker or writer appeals to the audience’s logic by constructing a well-reasoned argument. Some methods of creating a logical appeal include: Facts Statistics Research Reference to experts Cause and effect With your partner read the excerpt from the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech by Albert Gore, Jr. Then the complete the questions and activities that follow. (15 minutes)
The speaker or writer appeals to the audience’s trust by establishing his credibility or trustworthiness as a speaker. Some methods of creating ethical appeal include: Stating qualifications for expertise Using first person pronouns Citing relevant authorities and allusions Read the excerpt from the remarks by Maya Angelou at the funeral service for Coretta Scott King and then complete the questions and activities that follow. (10 minutes)
?video_id= ?video_id=20916 Fill out graphic organizer
Annotate with a partner Discuss annotation with whole group
Choose 3 of the literary elements used in the I have a dream speech that helps others to follow his dream and share his vision.