Gateway to College Early College High School The Gateway that opens your door to college! Leadership Academy May 2011
Origins and Evolution of Gateway to College (GtC) Portland Community College created the GtC program in 2000 Students complete their high school diploma requirements at community and technical colleges while simultaneously earning college credits Young people who had little chance of graduating from high school are achieving post-secondary success The GtC Replication Initiative was partially funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Since 2003, GtC has evolved from a single-site program into a national network of 30 colleges in 16 states
Our Educational Philosophy All students who want to achieve in the college environment can, including students who have not experienced success in the K-12 system.
The Three “R’s” of Gateway Relationships: Relationships: Connecting students with educators and other students in a focused academic setting Rigor: Rigor: A program that is challenging and ambitious Relevance: Relevance: Meaningful education that ties into career pathway
Successful GtC Candidates are: California residents years of age. Credit Deficient credits or less Attendance challenges and/or low GPA (2.0 or lower) Potential of completing 2 years of college coursework and attainment of high school diploma before “aging out” (21yrs) Motivated and ready for the challenge of going to college
Rigor & Relevance Performance Assessments & Orientation Dedicate 2 years of college coursework while working towards a high school diploma High School Diploma Credits toward AA Degree, Certificate, or Preparation for a transfer degree Referral to program/school of best placement or Gateway-prep Riverside Gateway to College Cohort Foundation Semester Flowchart
What is expected of students: Have perfect attendance. Arrive at every class on time. Come prepared to every class with proper materials. Complete all class and homework assignments. Maintain close contact with your teachers and your Student Resource Specialist. Provide own transportation Attend each college term consecutively for 2 years (or by age 21) until graduated from high school.
Yes! You can graduate!