Federal Policy Discussion How do Policy Issues play out? ESEA–Budget-Appropriations Federal Policy Discussion How do Policy Issues play out? ESEA–Budget-Appropriations AASA National Conference Town Hall on Policy issues February 17, 2012 Bruce Hunter
Federal Policy Topics Federal role in general Transformation, Reform or Improvement – Can the current structure, and financing deliver the level of education desired by politicians, business leaders and policy elites? – Can any system deliver high achievement for 100% of students?
Federal Policy Topics Washington elites think standards based reform can deliver the desired outcomes. What is standards based reform? – A list of what students should know and be able to do – A test or tests that indicate what students have achieved – Consequences for schools and school districts where results are deemed too low
Federal Policy Topics Growing chorus thinks the current system cannot deliver what is needed because it is: – Too focused on lock step student progress – Too focused on tests – Not focused enough on content – Isn’t individualized enough to deliver for all – Is very costly to individualize the current system
Federal Policy Topics So the current federal policy topics are – Should control over accountability, assessment and consequences be returned to states? or – Should NCLB carry forward but new acronyms? or – Should federal waivers drive state decisions regarding structure, accountability, assessment and consequences? No one on the hill is questioning the current standards based format?
Title I Structure HR 3989 Adds Programs to Title I – Title I – Migrant Education – N & D – Indian education – ELL grants – Rural Senate Committee Keeps current structure Independent funding authorization – Title I – Migrant Education – N & D
ESEA policy moves House Bills Introduction Feb. 9 HR 3989 Student Success Act HR 3990 Encouraging Innovation and Teachers Act Hearing – Feb. 17 Jimmy Cunningham Markup Week of 2/29? Floor? Senate Committee October 18,19 &20 Chairman Tom Harkin, IA Ranking Member Mike Enzi, WY Voted from committee D’s & 4R’s Floor - ? - Harkin says only when House has a bipartisan bill
Title I Structure HR 3889 Permits shifting funds within Title I programs Except – Not REAP – No funds out of Title I grants to LEAs, only in – No state approval, – but must be reported and included in local application Senate Committee No funding flexibility
Assessment and Accountability Improvements -Accountability HR 3899 States must establish an accountability system Eliminates the impossible goal of 100% Eliminates Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP, Eliminates Annual Measurable Objectives, AMOs Senate Committee States must establish an accountability system Eliminates the impossible goal of 100% Eliminates Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP, Eliminates Annual Measurable Objectives, AMOs, Eliminates all or nothing scorekeeping
Assessment and Accountability Status Quo – Accountability HR 3899 Disaggregation required - same sub groups Reporting results by sub group required School improvement grants for low performers Senate Committee Disaggregation required - same sub groups Reporting results by sub group required School improvement grants for low performers
Assessment and Accountability Improvements- Assessment HR 3899 Permits multiple measures Requires tests that measure individual proficiency and growth Provides adaptive assessment for students with the most severe cognitive disabilities Senate Committee Permits multiple measures Includes computer based adaptive assessment Requires adoption of new more accurate assessments
Assessment and Accountability Changes - Assessment House Draft Eliminates caps on special education testing -IEP team decision Maintains current 1 year ELL testing requirement Permits shifting to measuring growth, but keeps status testing too Senate Committee Eliminates the 2% testing cap Changes testing requirement for ELL from one year to two years Permits shifting to measuring growth, but keeps status testing too
Assessment and Accountability Changes – Graduation Rate HR year cohort graduation rate in accountability State can elect to use adjusted rate for years 5 & 6 Senate Committee 4 year cohort graduation rate in accountability State can elect to use adjusted rate for years 5 & 6 Continuous improvement on track Ranking schools required –identify the bottom 5% – Achievement – Achievement gap
Assessment and Accountability Changes – Teacher Qualifications HR 3899 Section 1119 of Title I deleted – Silent on teacher qualifications HQT gone Senate Committee Maintains HQT language Unchanged from current law
School Improvement Strategies HR 3899 State selects school improvement strategies Senate Committee Transformation Turnaround Closure Restart Strategic Staffing Strategy Whole School Reform Strategy State Flexibility Rural Waiver
AASA Concerns HR 3899 Maintenance of Effort Funding Cap Equitable Participation Senate Committee Comparability Foster Children
AASA Concerns Other ESEA Titles HR 3890 Charter Schools Vouchers Senate Committee Charter Schools
FY 2013 Obama Budget Proposal Education USED only non-defense funding increase - about $1.7 billion $30 billion to retain, hire teachers and first responders $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 schools
FY 2013 Obama Budget Proposal Education Level funds Title I and IDEA Consolidates 38 programs down to 11 $850 million for RTT $150 million for i3 $2.5 billion for teacher quality formula grants $400 million for Teachers/Leaders Innovation Fund NEW $5 billion grant program to reform the teaching profession
FY 2013 Obama Budget Proposal Education Formula v Competitive grants Reauthorizing ESEA through grants to states Creating 50 even more federally driven SEA’s