BIG QUESTION What type of liquids makes a plant grow faster?
Hypothesis I think that the seed that gets watered by water will grow faster. I thought this because water can normally make thing grow so why can’t it make this plant grow. That is what I think.
Experiment I am doing a plant project. To see which plant grows faster. You need these materials for the project 1: 6 plastic cups 2: soil mixture coffee grounds work well to. 3: any kind of seed 4: 3 different kinds of liquids 5: measuring cup 6: marker to label cups 7: ruler to measure plants 8: nail and or screw 9: note book to record data B. First get the plastic cups out. Use the nail or screw to put holes in the bottom of the cup. Then take the measuring cup and fill it up half way in the cup. Then mark the cups of what liquids you will water the plants with. After that put the seed in the cup. In a few days measure the plants with the ruler. Don’t forget to record your project in the note book.
DATA Water 1 grew 3 inches Water 2 did not grow Milk 1 grew 2 cm Milk 2 grew mold Juice1grew mold on it Juice 2 grew mold
Analysis of data a. Yes the experiment tested my hypothesis very well. b. I know my hypothesis worked because the water grew better than any other one it grew three inches
CONCLUSION A. Yes because the water grew the best than the other. B. I would diffidently change what liquids I used because some of them grew mold. C. I would see why some grew mold?